File | Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Console for Windows and Linux
CLion | Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Console for macOS
Use this page to define console options for the Python console.
In this section:
Item | Description |
Always show debug console | If this checkbox is selected, the debug console will be shown by default in the Debug view. |
Use IPython if available | When the checkbox is selected (by default): If IPython is installed, then IPython console will be launched. If the checkbox is not selected, then, even with the installed IPython, a Python console will be launched. |
Show console variables by default | This checkbox is selected by default to show variables in a console. Deselect it if you do not need to preview variables while working in console. |
Use existing console for "Run with Python console" | If you work in a console and don't want to open a separate Python console when running your Python script, select this checkbox. Your script will be launched in the currently opened console. By default, this option is disabled. |
Command queue for Python Console | Select this checkbox to be able to manage the command execution queue in the Python Console. |
Auto-display runtime code completion | This checkbox is selected by default to display runtime code completion in the Python console and the Debug Console. Disable it if providing code completion options in the runtime may cause side effects. |
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