CLion 2023.2 Help


Doctest is a single-header framework with self-registering tests. As stated in its documentation, Doctest was designed after Catch and shares some parts of the Catch's code - refer to How is doctest different from Catch.

Doctest doesn't support mocking but you can integrate it with third-party mocking libraries such as trompeloeil, googlemock, or FakeIt.

Doctest basics

If you are not familiar with Doctest, you can find a description of its main concepts below:

Sample test

A simple test written with Doctest looks like this:

// provides main(); this line is required in only one .cpp file #define DOCTEST_CONFIG_IMPLEMENT_WITH_MAIN #include "doctest.h" //function to be tested int fact(int n) { return n <= 1 ? n : fact(n - 1) * n; } TEST_CASE("testing the factorial function") { CHECK(fact(0) == 1); // should fail CHECK(fact(1) == 1); CHECK(fact(2) == 2); CHECK(fact(3) == 6); CHECK(fact(10) == 3628800); }

In the example above, testing the factorial function is a free-form test name, which doesn't have to be unique. CHECK is one of the Doctest's assertion macros.

Test cases, subtests, and suites

Doctest provides the mechanism of subcases for creating nested tests with shared common setup and teardown (however, class-based fixtures are also supported).

TEST_CASE("vectors can be sized and resized") { std::vector<int> v(5); REQUIRE(v.size() == 5); REQUIRE(v.capacity() >= 5); SUBCASE("adding to the vector increases it's size") { v.push_back(1); CHECK(v.size() == 6); CHECK(v.capacity() >= 6); } SUBCASE("reserving increases just the capacity") { v.reserve(6); CHECK(v.size() == 5); CHECK(v.capacity() >= 6); } }

In the code above, TEST_CASE() is executed from the start for each SUBCASE(). Two REQUIRE statements guarantee that size is 5 and capacity is at least 5 at the entry of each subcase. If one of the CHECK()-s fails, this means the test has failed, but the execution continues. On each run of a TEST_CASE(), Doctest executes one subcase and skips the others. Next time, the second one is executed, and so on.

Similarly to Catch's sections, subcases can be nested to create sequences of checking operations. Each leaf subcase (a subcase with no nested subcases inside) is executed once. When a parent subcase fails, it prevents child subcases from running.

You can group test cases into suites using the TEST_SUITE() or TEST_SUITE_BEGIN() / TEST_SUITE_END() macros:

TEST_CASE("") {} // not part of any test suite TEST_SUITE("math") { TEST_CASE("") {} // part of the math test suite TEST_CASE("") {} // part of the math test suite } TEST_SUITE_BEGIN("utils"); TEST_CASE("") {} // part of the utils test suite TEST_SUITE_END(); TEST_CASE("") {} // not part of any test suite

Doctest also supports the BDD-style syntax.

Working with Doctest in CLion

Add Doctest to your project

  1. Download the latest version of doctest.h and copy it into your project tree.

    The minimum supported version is 2.3.0.

  2. Include the header in your test files:

    #include "doctest.h"
  3. In only one header file, precede #include with #define DOCTEST_CONFIG_IMPLEMENT_WITH_MAIN.

    See these instructions if you need to supply your own main.

Create a Doctest run/debug configuration

  1. Open the Run | Edit Configurations dialog. Under the Doctest node, you will see the configurations created automatically for the detected targets.

    Automatically created Doctest configurations
  2. To create a new Doctest configuration, click App general add and select Doctest from the list of templates.

  3. Specify the configuration settings:

    • Set the configuration name in the Name field. This name will be shown in the list of the available run/debug configurations.

    • Select this option to run a particular test or suite.

      In the Suite field, specify the suite name. Start typing, and auto-completion will suggest the available suits:

      Auto-completion for suite names

      In the Test field, select the desired test. Leave this field to run the entire suite.

      Selecting a test from a suite

      Select this option to specify a single test or define a set of tests:

      • [#*filename.cpp] to run all tests in filename.cpp,

      • [suite_name] to run a suite with the corresponding name,

      • [suite_name][test_name] or [suite_name][test_name][subtest_name] to run a particular test from a given suite,

      • use []([][]) to refer to an anonymous suite, but make sure to add a test name.

      You can specify several patterns in a comma-separated list, for example:

      Pattern for a Doctest configuration

      Alternatively, you can leave the Suite and Test fields empty, and provide the Doctest's command line flags via Program arguments instead.

    • In the Target field, select the desired target from the list.

  4. Save the configuration, and it's ready for RunApp actions execute or DebugApp actions start debugger.

Run tests

  • In CLion, there are several ways to start a run/debug session for tests, one of which is using special gutter icons. These icons help quickly run or debug a single test or a whole suite/fixture:

    Gutter icons for tests

    Gutter icons also show test results (when already available): success App run configurations test state green2 or failure App run configurations test state red2.

  • When you run a test/suite/scenario using gutter icons, CLion creates a temporary Doctest configuration, which is greyed out in the list of configurations. To save a temporary configuration, select it in the Edit Configurations dialog and press App actions menu saveall.

Explore results

When you run tests, CLion shows the results and the process in the built-in test runner window. This window includes:

  • progress bar with the percentage of tests executed so far,

  • tree view of all the running tests with their status and duration,

  • tests' output stream,

  • toolbar with the options to rerun failed App run configurations test state red2 tests, export App toolbar decorator export or open previous results saved automatically App vcs history, sort the tests alphabetically App object browser sorted to easily find a particular test, or sort them by duration App run configurations sortby duration to understand which test ran longer than others.

Test runner
    Last modified: 13 November 2023