CLion 2024.2 Help

Coding assistance for REST development

Besides the common Web services support, CLion provides the following facilities for developing RESTful Web services:

HTTP Client in Code Editor

The dedicated HTTP Client provides the following facilities for working with HTTP requests:

  • Gutter icons Generate request in HTTP Client for request method designator annotations, such as @GET, @PUT, @POST, or @DELETE to quickly compose and execute requests.

  • Displaying server responses and the executed requests history

  • Completing the HTTP request parts from the @Path and @Produces annotations specified in the C/C++ code

Change in the C/C++ code

Change in the HTTP request in editor

@Path annotation is updated.

The contents of the Request-URI suggestion list change when you invoke code completion Ctrl+Space.

@Produces annotation is updated.

The contents of the Accept header field suggestion list change when you invoke code completion Ctrl+Space.

Last modified: 28 June 2024