CLion 2024.2 Help

Edit Log Files Aliases Dialog

The dialog opens when you click the the Add button or the the Edit button buttons in the Logs tab of certain Run/Debug configuration dialogs.

Use this dialog to specify a file or a group of files that you want to be displayed on dedicated tabs of the Run or Debug tool window.




In this field, type the alias for the log entry. This alias will be displayed in the Logs tab and in the header of the dedicated tab of the Run or Debug tool window tool window.

Log File Location

In this field, specify the log files to display during running or debugging. Do one of the following:

  • Specify the full path to a specific file. Type the path manually or click Browse the Browse button and choose the file in the dialog that opens.

  • Specify the base directory and add an Ant pattern that defines the fileset to be displayed.

Show All Files Coverable by Pattern

Select this checkbox to have CLion open a separate dedicated tab for each log file that matches the specified pattern.

Note the following:

  • If no alias is specified, the dedicated tab header shows the path to each log file.

  • If a pattern covers more than one file, the tab header shows the name of the file instead of the log entry alias, even is an alias is specified.

Last modified: 28 June 2024