JetBrains CodeCanvas 2024.2 Help

Dev Environments

Before users can start working with dev environments, the system administrator must set up the following:

  1. Computing platform   – connect the remote computing resource that will be used to run dev environments, e.g., a separate Kubernetes cluster.

  2. Instance types   – create various types of resource configurations that users can choose from when creating dev environments. For example, medium, large, extra-large, and so on.

  3. Default IDE settings   – specify the organization-wide defaults for IDE versions that should be used in dev environments.

  4. Cloud policy – if your company uses cloud resources during development, you can configure the cloud policy to simplify access to cloud resources from dev environments.

  5. GPU support   – if dev environments require GPU resources.

Additional administrative tasks:

  • Cleanup policy   – configure how CodeCanvas should clean up unused dev environments and warm-up snapshots.

  • Restore volume data   – restore user data from a dev environment volume.

Last modified: 17 September 2024