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Last modified: 11 December 2023

If you work with large projects, searching for files and folders can be time-consuming. For such cases, DataGrip features bookmarks. You can bookmark the necessary lines of code to be able to find them easier. You can also bookmark the files, folders that you need more often than other project items.

All your bookmarks are grouped in lists in the Bookmarks tool window that you can open by selecting View | Tool Windows | Bookmarks from the main menu. The tool window also shows all breakpoints that are automatically added to the dedicated list once you place them in your code.

Bookmarks tool window

DataGrip has two types of bookmarks:

  • Anonymous bookmarks don't have an identifier and allow you to place as many bookmarks as you want. Files and lines marked with anonymous bookmarks have a bookmark icon.

  • Mnemonic bookmarks allow you to create bookmarks with numbers (0 to 9) or letters (A to Z). Files and lines marked with mnemonic bookmarks have the corresponding letter or number icon in a frame.

Adding bookmarks