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Share IDE settings

Last modified: 27 December 2023

DataGrip lets you share your IDE settings between different instances of DataGrip or even between different IntelliJ-based IDE products that you use. This helps you recreate a comfy working environment if you are working from different computers and spare the annoyance of things looking or behaving differently from what you are used to.

There are several ways to share your IDE settings:

  • Via the Settings Sync plugin: it uses your JetBrains Account, which makes the synced settings available in all IDEs where you log in with that account.

    The settings you can sync include: IDE themes, keymaps, color schemes, system settings, UI settings, menus and toolbar settings, project view settings, editor settings, code completion settings, parameter name hints, live templates, code styles, and the list of enabled and disabled plugins.

  • Via the Settings Repository plugin: it allows you to sync any configurable components (except for the list of enabled and disabled plugins) but requires setting up a Git repository with the settings you want to share.

    This option is useful if you want to enforce the same IDE settings among your team-members or to use your custom settings storage.

  • By exporting the settings you want to share as a ZIP archive and then importing them to a different IDE installation. You can export your code style settings, Git settings, including registered GitHub accounts, the Debugger settings, Registry keys, look and feel, and more.