Datalore 2022.2 Help


Datalore allows you to use different kinds of data sources in your notebooks.


You can use files from your file system or an external URL source. You have options:

  • Notebook files: can only be used in the notebook they are attached to.

  • Workspace files: can be used in any notebook from the workspace they are attached to.

Quick file upload

This is the quickest way to add a file to your notebook and start using it in the code:

  1. Drag a file from your file system and drop it anywhere in the editor.

  2. To refer to the file in your code, use the file name.

    For example, the code below uses a file called 'libraries_by_python_version.csv'.

    libraries = pd.read_csv('libraries_by_python_version.csv') libraries

Use previously uploaded data

To access the data of already uploaded notebook attachments or workspace files, do the following:

  1. Go to Main menu | Tools | Attached data or click the Attached data icon on the left-hand sidebar. You can see two categories of attached files there:

    • Notebook files

    • Workspace files

  2. Click the category you want to use to expand the list and see the attached files.

  3. (Optional) If you are working from the default Home workspace, you must explicitly provide access to its files. Click Select data to attach and select Home workspace files.

    Selecting Home workspace files to attach
  4. Right-click the file you want to use in the code and select Copy path to clipboard.

  5. Paste the copied path into your code.

Find more information in Attached files.


Datalore users can connect to databases from the Home page and use the Attached data tool to retrieve their data for further use in the notebook. Read more about these procedures in Database integration.

Supported database types

  • Amazon Aurora MySQL

  • Amazon Redshift

  • Apache Derby (Embedded)

  • Apache Derby (Remote)

  • Apache Hive

  • Apache Phoenix

  • Apache Phoenix Thin

  • Apache Spark

  • Athena

  • Azure SQL Database

  • ClickHouse

  • CockroachDB

  • Elasticsearch

  • Exasol

  • Firebird

  • Google Cloud Spanner

  • Greenplum

  • H2

  • IBM Db2

  • IBM Db2 (JTOpen)

  • IBM Db2 for 9.X, 10.X

  • Informix

  • InterSystems IRIS

  • MariaDB

  • MySQL

  • Oracle

  • Oracle for 9.X, 10.X, 11.1

  • OpenEdge

  • PostgreSQL

  • Presto

  • SQLLite

  • SAP Hana

  • SingleStore

  • Snowflake

  • Sybase

  • Sybase (jTds)

  • Tarantool

  • Teradata

  • Tibero

  • Trino

  • Vertica

Last modified: 14 July 2022