Datalore 2023.1 Help

Machine management

This page provides information about how to manage machines running for your your notebooks.

Manage the machine for the currently opened notebook

Go to Main menu | Run or open the command palette by pressing Control, +, Shift, +, A. You have the following options:



Start machine

Restarts the machine. This may take some time as it restarts all required processes and installs your custom libraries.

Stop machine

Stops all processes on the machine. Most often used when:

  • The kernel keeps crashing.

  • You are not planning to run any code or use smart coding assistance. You want to work with your Markdown cells and save computation time.

Change machine

Used to switch to another machine. Your options are: Basic, Large, and GPU.

Background computation

Keeps the computation running after the tab is closed. Find more details in the Computation modes section.

Computation modes

Datalore works in two computation modes, default and background computation, which are different in how computations stop depending on the notebook state. By default, the machine is stopped:

  • 15 seconds after the browser tab is closed with the kernel in idle state

  • After 60 minutes of browser inactivity (no keyboard or mouse interaction) with the kernel in idle state

Background computation mode keeps the machine running in the above-mentioned cases.

The main reason to enable background computation is to be able to close the browser session without losing your ongoing computation progress. This is particularly important when you expect long cell execution.

Keep in mind that work with background computation on can significantly increase your resource consumption. Therefore, you can select one of the following options when enabling background computation:

  • Turn off after 30 min of inactivity to enable background computation and set the machine to shut down after the kernel is in idle state for 30 minutes.

  • Turn off after 2 hours of inactivity to enable background computation and set the machine to shut down after the kernel is in idle state for 2 hours.

  • Turn off after 24 hours of inactivity to enable background computation and set the machine to shut down after the kernel is in idle state for 24 hours.

  • Never turn off to enable the mode without time restrictions. The machine keeps running even after the computation is finished or an error occurs.

Background computation options

To disable the mode, click Background computation and select Disabled.

Manage all running machines

At some point, you may have to stop some of your running computations. The most common reason is reaching the limit of parallel computations. Another reason is saving your resources if they are consumed too intensively after you shared the respective notebook.

Stop any running machine

  1. Click the avatar icon in the upper-right corner of the Home page or editor screen and select Running machines to open the dialog with the list of launched machines.

    Running machines tab
  2. To stop a machine, click the Stop button for the respective list item. After that, the stopped machine is removed from the list.

Last modified: 31 October 2022