Datalore 2023.1 Help

Upgrade Datalore Enterprise

The instructions below explain how to upgrade Datalore Enterprise (Helm installation):

  • from version 2022.3 to version 2023.1 (current latest release)

  • from version 2022.2.3 to version 2022.3

Upgrade from 2022.3 to 2023.1

  1. Back up the storage and postgresql-data volumes before upgrading.

  2. Execute the helm repo update command.

  3. (Optional) If you built custom images based on 2023.1 agent image, remove the following line from your custom image Dockerfile before rebuilding them:

    ADD --chown=datalore:datalore /opt/datalore/
  4. Restart Datalore by running the following commands:

    helm uninstall datalore helm upgrade --install -f datalore.values.yaml datalore datalore/datalore --version 0.2.7

Upgrade from 2022.2.3 to 2022.3

  1. (Optional) If you have disabled SMTP in your configs, remove the respective parameters.

  2. Back up the storage and postgresql-data volumes before upgrading.

  3. Execute the helm repo update command.

  4. Change the dbRootPassword: XXX parameter in the datalore.values.yaml file to:

    databaseSecret: password: XXX
  5. (Optional) Change the following parameter names in the datalore.values.yaml file if you have them set:

    sqlServerHost > sqlCellsApiHost sqlServerPort > sqlCellsApiPort
  6. Restart Datalore by running the following commands:

    helm uninstall datalore helm upgrade --install -f datalore.values.yaml datalore datalore/datalore --version 0.2.6
Last modified: 14 February 2023