Datalore 2024.5 Help

Access shared notebooks and workspaces

This topic explains how to access workspaces and notebooks shared with you.

Access shared workspaces

There are two options:

  • Access the workspace from the invitation email:

    1. Open the invitation ('Workspace Invitation: workspace_title') email.

    2. Click the Join the workspace button.

    This will forward you to the Home page of Datalore with the selection of the Notebooks menu of the shared workspace selected.

  • Access the workspace from the Home page. You can select it from under Workspaces shared with you on the left-hand sidebar of the Home page.

Access shared notebooks

Notebooks shared with you from other users' Private workspaces are stored under Shared with you.

  1. Select Shared with you. This will open the list of shared notebooks.

  2. (Optionally) You can sort the list by clicking the column headers.

Notebooks shared with you
Last modified: 11 October 2024