Manage environmentThis section explains how to manage environment for selected notebooks or whole workspaces.Manage packages using the Environment toolLearn how to manage packages using the Environment toolEdit, save, and share environment filesLearn how to edit, save, and share files for customized environmentEnvironment management on workspace levelManage Git repositoriesLearn how to integrate and manage Git repositories to use them in your notebook environment or as attached dataManage environment variablesLearn how to manage environment variables, which you store and user as workspace resources available across all included notebooksManage SSH keysLearn how to manage SSH keys as workspaces resourcesEnvironment management on notebook levelSet up environment for a new notebookLearn how to select environment for your new notebookSwitch Python versionsLearn how to switch Python versions in different environments for a selected notebookEnable native R supportLearn how to enable native R package support for a selected notebookUse R and Python togetherLearn how to run R in Python notebooks and how to run Python in R notebooksThanks for your feedback!Was this page helpful?YesNo