Manage computationsRead these topics to learn how to manage kernels and computations for your notebooks.Manage running machinesLearn how to manage running machines launched for your notebooksUse CPU and GPU machinesExplore all available options for boosting your computation resources and learn how to use CPU and GPU machines for your notebooksMain tasksManage kernelsLearn how to choose kernels for new notebooks and manage them when codingUse Reactive modeLearn how to enable live re-calculations for your notebooks with Datalore's special Reactive modeUse background computationsLearn how to use background computation to make sure your long-time computations are running even after the tab browser is closedSchedule notebook runsLearn how to schedule runs for your notebooks at preset intervals and create multiple or parameterized schedulesOtherRun notebooks using APILearn how to run notebooks using Datalore APIUse Computation toolLearn how to manage computation for the notebook in the editor from one interfaceThanks for your feedback!Was this page helpful?YesNo