Datalore 2024.5 Help

Upgrade Datalore On-Premises (Docker installation)

The instructions below explain how to upgrade Datalore On-Premises (Docker installation). The current latest version is 2024.5.

Upgrade to version 2024.5

  1. (Optional) Make sure you have migrated from deprecated features.

  2. Update docker-compose.yaml:

    • Download and open the docker-compose.yaml file from here.

    • Edit the file to make sure you have the same configs that you had for the previous version.

  3. Run docker compose down and then docker compose up to restart the service.

Upgrade to version 2024.4.1

  1. Update docker-compose.yaml:

    • Download and open the docker-compose.yaml file from here.

    • Edit the file to make sure you have the same configs that you had for the previous version.

  2. Run docker compose down and then docker compose up to restart the service.

Upgrade to version 2024.4

  1. Update docker-compose.yaml:

    • Download and open the docker-compose.yaml file from here.

    • Edit the file to make sure you have the same configs that you had for the previous version.

  2. Run docker compose down and then docker compose up to restart the service.

Upgrade to version 2024.3

  1. Update docker-compose.yaml:

    • Download and open the docker-compose.yaml file from here.

    • Edit the file to make sure you have the same configs that you had for the previous version.

  2. Run docker compose down and then docker compose up to restart the service.

Upgrade to version 2024.2.3

  1. Update docker-compose.yaml:

    • Download and open the docker-compose.yaml file from here.

    • Edit the file to make sure you have the same configs that you had for the previous version.

  2. Run docker compose down and then docker compose up to restart the service.

Upgrade to version 2024.2.2

  1. Update docker-compose.yaml:

    • Download and open the docker-compose.yaml file from here.

    • Edit the file to make sure you have the same configs that you had for the previous version.

  2. Run docker compose down and then docker compose up to restart the service.

Upgrade to version 2024.2.1

  1. Update docker-compose.yaml:

    • Download and open the docker-compose.yaml file from here.

    • Edit the file to make sure you have the same configs that you had for the previous version.

  2. Run docker compose down and then docker compose up to restart the service.

Upgrade to version 2024.2

  1. Update docker-compose.yaml:

    • Download and open the docker-compose.yaml file from here.

    • Edit the file to make sure you have the same configs that you had for the previous version.

  2. Run docker compose down and then docker compose up to restart the service.

Upgrade to version 2024.1

  1. Update docker-compose.yaml:

    • Download and open the docker-compose.yaml file from here.

    • Edit the file to make sure you have the same configs that you had for the previous version.

  2. Run docker compose down and then docker compose up to restart the service.

Check content output migration

Upgrade to 2024.1 involves an internal output migration. We strongly recommend that you check whether the migration went successfully and report any discovered errors if such occurred in the process. which we strongly recommend checking by performing the following steps.

  1. When running the updated version (2024.1) for the first time, check Datalore server logs. The logs are expected to contain lines similar to the ones in the example below.

    12:44:03.931 INFO [OutputsMigrationEDT] j.d.o.s.i.migration.OutputsMigrationTool Files to migrate: 313
 12:44:04.205 INFO [Thread-3] j.d.o.s.i.m.LoggingOutputMigrationProgressTracker Processed 4/313 (1%) file(s) 12:44:04.261 INFO [Thread-2] j.d.o.s.i.m.LoggingOutputMigrationProgressTracker Processed 7/313 (2%) file(s) ... 12:44:05.324 INFO [Thread-3] j.d.o.s.i.m.LoggingOutputMigrationProgressTracker Processed 313/313 (100%) file(s)
  2. Check if there were any errors that occurred during the migration. Such errors will be listed as a short summary below the Processed [n] 100% files line. If no errors are found, no further steps need to be performed.

  3. If there are any errors, save the IDs of notebooks together with the error messages. Scroll up the logs and find and save the respective stacktraces for these errors.

  4. Use the saved IDs to try to open the notebooks with the migration errors. If any of these notebooks fail to open, contact Datalore support providing the error message and stacktrace for each such notebook.

Upgrade to version 2023.6

  1. Update docker-compose.yaml:

    • Download and open the docker-compose.yaml file from here.

    • Edit the file to make sure you have the same configs that you had for the previous version.

  2. Run docker compose down and then docker compose up to restart the service.

Upgrade to version 2023.5.1

  1. Update docker-compose.yaml:

    • Download and open the docker-compose.yaml file from here.

    • Edit the file to make sure you have the same configs that you had for the previous version.

  2. Run docker compose down and then docker compose up to restart the service.

Upgrade to version 2023.5

  1. Update docker-compose.yaml:

    • Download and open the docker-compose.yaml file from here.

    • Edit the file to make sure you have the same configs that you had for the previous version.

  2. Run docker compose down and then docker compose up to restart the service.

Upgrade to version 2023.4

  1. Update docker-compose.yaml:

    • Download and open the docker-compose.yaml file from here.

    • Edit the file to make sure you have the same configs that you had for the previous version.

  2. Run docker compose down and then docker compose up to restart the service.

Upgrade to version 2023.3.1

  1. Update docker-compose.yaml:

    • Download and open the docker-compose.yaml file from here.

    • Edit the file to make sure you have the same configs that you had for the previous version.

  2. Run docker compose down and then docker compose up to restart the service.

Upgrade to version 2023.2

  1. Update docker-compose.yaml:

    • Download and open the docker-compose.yaml file from here.

    • Edit the file to make sure you have the same configs that you had for the previous version.

  2. Run docker compose down and then docker compose up to restart the service.

Upgrade to version 2023.1

  1. Update docker-compose.yaml:

    • Download and open the docker-compose.yaml file from here.

    • Edit the file to make sure you have the same configs that you had for the previous version.

  2. Run docker compose down and then docker compose up to restart the service.

Upgrade to version 2022.3.1

  1. Update docker-compose.yaml:

    • Download and open the docker-compose.yaml file from here.

    • Edit the file to make sure you have the same configs that you had for the previous version.

  2. Run docker compose stop and then docker compose start to restart the service.

Upgrade from 2022.2-2022.2.2 to 2022.2.3

  • Update docker-compose.yaml.

  • Run docker compose restart to restart the service.

Last modified: 30 November 2024