JetBrains DataSpell 2021.1 Help

Advanced editing

FunctionShortcutUse this shortcut to...
Comment with Line CommentCtrl+/Comment/uncomment current line or selected block with line comments.
Comment with Block CommentCtrl+Shift+/Comment/uncomment code with block comments.
Pop-up HectorCtrl+Alt+Shift+HShow the Highlighting level popup to configure highlighting in the current file.
Parameter InfoCtrl+PShow parameters of the method call at the caret.
Context InfoAlt+QShow the current method or class declaration when it is not visible.
Error DescriptionCtrl+F1Show an error or warning description at the caret.
External DocumentationShift+F1Open browser with the documentation for the selected item.
Override Methods...Ctrl+OOverride base class methods in the current class.
Basic Code CompletionCtrl+Space
Code completion for any class, method or variable.
SmartType Code CompletionCtrl+Shift+SpaceCode Completion filtering the lookup list basing on expected type.
Expand WordAlt+/Goes through the names of classes, methods, keywords and variables in the current visibility scope.
Insert Live Template...Ctrl+JShow a list of starting with a specified prefix.
Surround with Live Template...Ctrl+Alt+JSurround the selection with one of the templates.
Next Template VariableTabIn templates: move the caret to the next template variable.
Previous Template VariableShift+TabIn templates: move the caret to the previous template variable.
Last modified: 01 April 2021