DataSpell 2022.3 Help


Connect to Microsoft Azure

  1. In the Big Data Tools window, click Add a connection and select Azure.

  2. In the Big Data Tools dialog that opens, specify the connection parameters:

    Connection settings for Azure Storage
    • Name: the name of the connection to distinguish it between the other connections.

    • Endpoint: specify an endpoint to connect to.

    • Choose the way to get Microsoft Azure containers:

      • Select Custom roots and, in the Container field, specify the name of the container or the path to a directory in the container. You can specify multiple names or paths by separating them with a comma.

      • Select All containers in the account. You can then use the container filter to show only containers with particular names.

    • Authentication type: the authentication method. You can access the storage by username and key, by a connection string, or using a SAS token.

    Optionally, you can set up:

    • Enable connection: deselect if you want to restrict using this connection. By default, the newly created connections are enabled.

  3. Once you fill in the settings, click Test connection to ensure that all configuration parameters are correct. Then click OK.

Once you have established a connection, you can view the storage and work with data files in it.

Last modified: 20 January 2023