DataSpell 2023.1 Help

Git in DataSpell

DataSpell allows using Git to track changes in Jupyter notebooks and interact with remote repositories.

Sync workspace directories with Git

DataSpell lets you attach Git repositories to the workspace as directories.

Add a Git repository

  1. Do one of the following:

    • From the main menu, select Git | Clone.

    • Right-click the workspace tree or a directory and select Get from Version Control from the context menu

  2. Select Git:

    Open a project from VCS
  3. Specify the path to the repository and select the directory to which it will be cloned. Do not select the default DataSpell installation directory as the target local directory. Alternatively, you can select GitHub on the left, login using your credentials, and select any repository you want to work with.

  4. Click Clone.

Also, you can create a remote repository for a local directory in the DataSpell workspace.

Add a workspace directory to Git

  1. Right-click the directory in the Workspace tool window and select Enable VCS integration:

    Adding a workspace directory to VCS
  2. In the Enable Version Control Integration dialog that opens, select Git.

  3. Open the Commit tool window Alt+0.

  4. Select the files from the directory that should be added to Git, type the commit message, and click Commit and Push:

    Initial commit to Git
  5. In the dialog window, click Define remote:

    Pushing a commit with an undefined remote
  6. Specify the name of the remote and the URL of the repository:

    Defining a remote
  7. Click Push.

    The directory is added to the remote repository. Now you can sync the changes to files in this directory with Git.

Sync workspace directories with Github

You can clone a repository that you want to contribute to directly from DataSpell and create a new directory based on it.

  1. From the main menu, choose Git | Clone. If the Git menu is not available, choose VCS | Get from Version Control.

  2. In the Get from Version Control dialog, choose GitHub on the left.

  3. Log in to GitHub by doing one of the following:

    • If you have a token, click Use token, then paste the token in the Token field, and click Log In.

    • Otherwise, click Log In via GitHub.

      Enter your GitHub credentials in the browser window that opens. If you have two-factor authentication enabled, you will be asked to enter a code that will be sent to you by SMS or through the mobile application.

  4. Select a repository from the list of all GitHub projects associated with your account and the organization that your account belongs to.

  5. In the Directory field, enter the path to the folder where your local Git repository will be created.

  6. Click Clone.

You can add a remote GitHub repository for a workspace directory you are developing locally, so that others can view it or contribute to it.

  1. Open the directory you want to share.

  2. From the main menu, choose Git | GitHub | Share Project on GitHub.

    If you have already registered your GitHub account in DataSpell, connection will be established using these credentials.

    If you have not registered your account in DataSpell, the Login to GitHub dialog opens. Specify your access token or request a new one with your login and password.

  3. When connection to GitHub has been established, the Share Project on GitHub dialog opens. Specify the new repository name, the name of the remote , and enter a description of your project.

    You can select the Private option if you do not want to allow public access to your repository for other GitHub users.

  4. Click Share to initiate a new repository and upload directory sources to it.

You can jump from DataSpell to the GitHub version of a file. DataSpell detects which branch is currently active as well as the latest revision of the file, and opens the GitHub copy of the selected file in the corresponding commit in your web browser.

  1. Do one of the following:

    • Select Git | GitHub | Open on GitHub from the main menu.

    • Select a file in the editor or in the Project view, and choose Open In | GitHub from the context menu.

      Opening the GitHub version of the file
    • Select the file in the Project view, press Control+Shift+A, and type Open on Github.

  2. If you are signed in to GitHub, the remote version of the file will open in the browser.


    • Enter your GitHub credentials in the browser window that opens. If you have two-factor authentication enabled, you will be asked to enter a code that will be sent to you by SMS or through the mobile application.

If you are opening the GitHub file version from the editor, the file will be also automatically scrolled to the current line.

If the file points to more than one remote, you will be prompted to select the appropriate repository.

View changes

When you modify Jupyter notebooks under version control, you may want to review the changes before committing and pushing them to a remote repository.

Compare a modified file with its repository version

  1. Open the Commit tool window Alt+0.

  2. Locate the required file in a changelist and do one of the following:

    • Select the file and click diff icon on the toolbar or press Control+D

    • Double-click the file

  3. The diff view opens where changes to the file are highlighted.

    The right pane contains the modified version of the file. You can edit it in the diff view.

    The left pane contains the initial version of the file. It is read-only. You can click Revert (Revert) to undo a change.

For more information on comparing Jupyter notebooks, see Compare file and folder versions.

Resolve conflicts

When you push your changes to a remote repository, conflicts may arise. It happens when you modify the same lines that have been modified on the remote, for example, by other users of the repository. In this case, you will see the following window:

DataSpell: Git conflicts dialog

You need to resolve the conflicts to continue syncing with the remote repository. To do that, perform the following steps:

Resolve conflicts

  1. Click Merge in the Conflicts dialog, the Resolve link in the Local Changes view, or select the conflicting file in the editor and choose Git | Resolve Conflicts from the main menu.

  2. To automatically merge all non-conflicting changes, click the Apply Non-Conflicting Changes button (Apply All Non-Conflicting Changes) on the toolbar. You can also use the the Apply Non-Conflicting Changes from the Left button (Apply Non-Conflicting Changes from the Left Side) and the Apply Non-Conflicting Changes from the Right button (Apply Non-Conflicting Changes from the Right Side) to merge non-conflicting changes from the left/right parts of the dialog respectively.

  3. To resolve a conflict, you need to select which action to apply (accept the Accept button or ignore the Ignore button) to the left (local) and the right (repository) version, and check the resulting code in the central pane:

    Resolve conflicts

    You can also right-click a highlighted conflict in the central pane and use the commands from the context menu. The Resolve using Left and Resolve using Right commands provide a shortcut to accepting changes from one side and ignoring them from the other side respectively:

    The context menu of a conflicting change

    For simple conflicts (for example, if the beginning and the end of the same line have been modified in different file revisions), the Resolve simple conflicts the Resolve simple conflicts button button that allows merging the changes in one click becomes available.

    the Resolve Simple Conflicts button

    Such conflicts are not resolved with the Apply All Non-Conflicting Changes action since you must make sure that they are resolved properly.

  4. Review merge results in the central pane and click Apply.

For more details, see Resolve conflicts.

Last modified: 06 October 2022