DataSpell 2023.2 Help

Create and Modify dialogs

In DataSpell, Create and Modify have the same fields and functionality. This way, you can edit the same fields when you create a new object and when you edit an existing one.

To modify a database object, right-click the table name in the Database tool window ( Window | Tool Windows | Database) and select Modify <database object>. Alternatively, click the table name and press Control+F6.

To create a database object, right-click a data source, a database, or a schema name in the Database tool window ( Window | Tool Windows | Database) and navigate to New | <database object>.

The table structure editor on the upper-left side of the dialog lets you manage the objects within the table. In the object editor on the upper right side, you can edit properties of table's objects. The preview pane on the lower part of the dialog shows the SQL script that DataSpell will run when you close the dialog by clicking the OK button.

GUI part of the dialog

Table structure editor

In the table editor section, you can edit the table's structure by adding and deleting the objects.

  • To add a new objects, in the toolbar, click the Add button (the Add icon) and select the object. Alternatively, select the family node of the object that you want to add, or any of the existing objects of that kind, and click the Add button (the Add icon) on the toolbar.

  • By default, to edit the object in the Object editor, double-click it. Alternatively, select it and click the Edit button (the Edit icon) on the toolbar, or press F4.

    To select the object for editing by clicking it in the tree, click the Edit On Selection button (the Edit On Selection icon) on the toolbar.

  • To delete an object, select it in the tree and click the Remove button (the Remove icon) on the toolbar.

The Modify dialog can display objects of the same kind in a list. To see that list, in the left pane of the dialog, double-click on the family node.

Table with similar database objects in a family node of a Modify dialog

Object editor

In the upper right pane of the dialog, you can edit properties of the object.

The set of available properties of database objects depends on the database vendor. For more information about database-specific settings, refer to the official documentation of the database that you are working with.

To pin the tab with the current object, hover over the tab name and click the Pin Tab icon (the Pin icon). Alternatively, right-click the tab name and select Pin Tab.

Object editor tabs in the Modify dialog


The pane under the Preview separator shows the statement or statements to be run to achieve the result you have specified using the GUI.

You can use this pane just as a preview. You can also edit the statement or statements right there.

Object editor tabs in the Modify dialog






Table structure editor

the Add icon



Create a new object.

the Remove icon



Delete the selected object.

the Edit icon



Open selected object in the object editor.

the Edit On Selection icon

Edit On Selection

Toggle between opening the object in object editor on selection and by double-clicking it.

the Back icon



Previous object.

the Forward icon



Next object.

Object editor

the Auto Generate icon

Auto Generate

Toggle the object name automatic generation.

Preview pane

the Settings icon


Select the settings to run the script with.

the Open query in console icon

Open query in console

Close the Modify dialog and open the script in a query console.

Last modified: 27 September 2023