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Create and Modify dialogs

Last modified: 11 February 2024

In DataSpell, Create and Modify dialogs have the same fields and functionality for a given database object. This way, you can edit the same fields when you create a new object and when you edit an existing one.

  • To create a database object, right-click a data source, a database, or a schema name in the Database tool window ( Window | Tool Windows | Database) and navigate to New | <database_object>.

  • To modify a database object, right-click the object name in the Database tool window ( Window | Tool Windows | Database) and select Modify <database_object>. Alternatively, click the object name and press CtrlF6.

This topic describes the Create and Modify dialogs for the following database objects: schemas, tables, columns, keys, foreign keys, indexes, checks, virtual columns, virtual foreign keys, views, users and roles, and virtual views.