.NET assemblies store symbol references as metadata tokens. If necessary, dotPeek can display the tokens for each decompiled symbol, it provides the Show token values option that applies globally to all opened decompiled documents in the code viewer and to types and members in the Assembly Explorer window. By default, this option is turned off.
When this option is enabled, the metadata token values are shown next to types and members in the Assembly Explorer and as comments in the Code Viewer and in the IL Viewer window:
The Show compiler-generated code option only applies to decompiled documents. If a document is a source file, this option does not change anything. You can recognize decompiled files by the // Decompiled with JetBrains decompiler comment in the first line. For more information about different ways of viewing code, see Presentation options for compiled code.
Show or hide compiler-generated code
Click Turn Compiler-generated Code On/Off on the toolbar.
Tick the Show compiler-generated code checkbox on the Decompiler page of dotPeek options.