Go to Related Files
Navigate | Related Files
This command can take you to all files whose contents are somehow related to the current file.
Navigating to related files may be very useful for web applications: for example, it enables you to jump from a web form to its master page, user controls, referenced images or JavaScript and CSS files. In ASP.NET MVC applications, it simplifies navigation from views to controllers and back.
Place the caret within a file .
Press CtrlAltF7 or choose Navigate | Related Files from the main menu . Alternatively, you can press CtrlShift0A, start typing the command name in the popup, and then choose it there.
If there are some related files, the Select File list opens. Select a file from the list and click it to open it in the editor.
This feature is inspired by and borrowed from JetBrains ReSharper, a developer productivity tool for Microsoft Visual Studio.