Data Types
Last modified: 03 March 2025Exposed supports the following data types in the table definition:
Translates to a database
Translates to DB
with scale and precisionbool
with lengthtext
ordinal valueenumerationByName
with lengthuuid
A foreign key
The exposed-java-time
extension ($exposed_version
) provides additional types:
Some types may differ for specific database dialects.
The exposed-json
extension ($exposed_version
) provides the following additional types. For more information, see How to use Json and JsonB types:
Databases store JSON values either in text or binary format, so Exposed provides two types to account for any potential differences, if they exist, for example:
maps toJSON
, whilejsonb()
maps toJSONB
.SQLite: No native JSON type, so
maps to TEXT, whilejsonb()
throws.MySQL: JSON type only supports binary format, so
both map to JSON.Oracle: Exposed does not currently support the JSON binary format of Oracle 21c; only text format
can be used.
How to use database enum types
Some databases (e.g. MySQL, PostgreSQL, H2) support explicit enum types. Because keeping such columns in sync with Kotlin enumerations using only JDBC metadata could be a huge challenge, Exposed doesn't provide a possibility to manage such columns in an automatic way, but that doesn't mean that you can't use such column types.
To work with enum database types, use the .customEnumeration()
function in one of the following ways:
Use an existing enum column from your table. In this case, the
parameter in.customEnumeration()
can be left asnull
.Create a new ENUM column using Exposed by providing the raw definition SQL to the
parameter in.customEnumeration()
As a JDBC driver can provide/expect specific classes for enum types, you must also provide from/to transformation functions for them when defining a custom enumeration.
For a class like enum class Foo { BAR, BAZ }
, you can use the following code for your specific database:
MySQL and H2
val existingEnumColumn = customEnumeration("enumColumn", { value -> Foo.valueOf(value as String) }, { })
val newEnumColumn = customEnumeration("enumColumn", "ENUM('BAR', 'BAZ')", { value -> Foo.valueOf(value as String) }, { })
PostgreSQL requires that enum is defined as a separate type, so you have to create it before creating your table. Also, the PostgreSQL JDBC driver returns PGobject
instances for such values, so a PGobject
with its type manually set to the ENUM type needs to be used for the toDb
parameter. The full working sample is provided below:
class PGEnum<T : Enum<T>>(enumTypeName: String, enumValue: T?) : PGobject() {
init {
value = enumValue?.name
type = enumTypeName
object EnumTable : Table() {
val enumColumn = customEnumeration("enumColumn", "FooEnum", { value -> Foo.valueOf(value as String) }, { PGEnum("FooEnum", it) })
transaction {
exec("CREATE TYPE FooEnum AS ENUM ('BAR', 'BAZ');")
How to use Json and JsonB types
Add the following dependencies to your build.gradle.kts:
val exposedVersion: String by project
dependencies {
Exposed works together with the JSON serialization/deserialization library of your choice by allowing column definitions that accept generic serializer and deserializer arguments:
fun <T : Any> json(name: String, serialize: (T) -> String, deserialize: (String) -> T): Column<T>
fun <T : Any> jsonb(name: String, serialize: (T) -> String, deserialize: (String) -> T): Column<T>
Here's an example that leverages kotlinx.serialization
to support @Serializable
classes. It uses a simpler form of json()
that relies on the library's KSerializer
data class Project(val name: String, val language: String, val active: Boolean)
val format = Json { prettyPrint = true }
object Teams : Table("team") {
val groupId = varchar("group_id", 32)
val project = json<Project>("project", format) // equivalent to json("project", format, Project.serializer())
transaction {
val mainProject = Project("Main", "Java", true)
Teams.insert {
it[groupId] = "A"
it[project] = mainProject
Teams.update({ Teams.groupId eq "A" }) {
it[project] = mainProject.copy(language = "Kotlin")
Teams.selectAll().map { "Team ${it[Teams.groupId]} -> ${it[Teams.project]}" }.forEach { println(it) }
// Team A -> Project(name=Main, language=Kotlin, active=true)
Here's how the same Project
and Teams
would be defined using Jackson with the jackson-module-kotlin
dependency and the full form of json()
val mapper = jacksonObjectMapper()
data class Project(val name: String, val language: String, val active: Boolean)
object Teams : Table("team") {
val groupId = varchar("group_id", 32)
val project = json("project", { mapper.writeValueAsString(it) }, { mapper.readValue<Project>(it) })
Json functions
JSON path strings can be used to extract values (either as JSON or as a scalar value) at a specific field/key:
val projectName = Teams.project.extract<String>("name")
val languageIsKotlin = Teams.project.extract<String>("language").lowerCase() eq "kotlin" { languageIsKotlin }.map { it[projectName] }
Databases that support a path context root
will have this value appended to the generated SQL path expression by default, so it is not necessary to include it in the provided argument String. In the above example, if MySQL is being used, the provided path arguments should
The JSON functions .exists()
and .contains()
are currently supported as well:
val hasActiveStatus = Teams.project.exists(".active")
val activeProjects = Teams.selectAll().where { hasActiveStatus }.count()
// Depending on the database, filter paths can be provided instead, as well as optional arguments
// PostgreSQL example
val mainId = "Main"
val hasMainProject = Teams.project.exists(".name ? (@ == \$main)", optional = "{\"main\":\"$mainId\"}")
val mainProjects = Teams.selectAll().where { hasMainProject }.map { it[Teams.groupId] }
val usesKotlin = Teams.project.contains("{\"language\":\"Kotlin\"}")
val kotlinTeams = Teams.selectAll().where { usesKotlin }.count()
// Depending on the database, an optional path can be provided too
// MySQL example
val usesKotlin = Teams.project.contains("\"Kotlin\"", ".language")
val kotlinTeams = Teams.selectAll().where { usesKotlin }.count()
Json arrays
JSON columns also accept JSON arrays as input values. For example, using the serializable data class Project
from the example above, the following details some ways to create such a column:
object TeamProjects : Table("team_projects") {
val memberIds = json<IntArray>("member_ids", Json.Default)
val projects = json<Array<Project>>("projects", Json.Default)
// equivalent to:
// @OptIn(ExperimentalSerializationApi::class) json("projects", Json.Default, ArraySerializer(Project.serializer()))
transaction {
TeamProjects.insert {
it[memberIds] = intArrayOf(1, 2, 3)
it[projects] = arrayOf(
Project("A", "Kotlin", true),
Project("B", "Java", true)
// generates SQL
// INSERT INTO team_projects (member_ids, projects) VALUES ([1,2,3], [{"name":"A","language":"Kotlin","active":true},{"name":"B","language":"Java","active":true}])
How to use array types
PostgreSQL and H2 databases support the explicit array data type, with multidimensional arrays being supported by PostgreSQL.
Exposed allows defining columns as arrays, with the stored contents being any out-of-the-box or custom data type. If the contents are of a type with a supported ColumnType
in the exposed-core
module, the column can be simply defined with that type:
object Teams : Table("teams") {
// Single-dimensional arrays
val memberIds = array<UUID>("member_ids")
val memberNames = array<String>("member_names")
val budgets = array<Double>("budgets")
// Multi-dimensional arrays
val nestedMemberIds = array<UUID, List<List<UUID>>>(
"nested_member_ids", dimensions = 2
val hierarchicalMemberNames = array<String, List<List<List<String>>>>(
"hierarchical_member_names", dimensions = 3
If more control is needed over the base content type, or if the latter is user-defined or from a non-core module, the explicit type should be provided to the function:
object Teams : Table("teams") {
// Single-dimensional arrays
val memberNames = array<String>("member_names", VarCharColumnType(colLength = 32))
val deadlines = array<LocalDate>("deadlines", KotlinLocalDateColumnType()).nullable()
val expenses = array<Double?>("expenses", DoubleColumnType()).default(emptyList())
// Multi-dimensional arrays
val nestedMemberIds = array<UUID, List<List<UUID>>>(
"nested_member_ids", dimensions = 2
val hierarchicalMemberNames = array<String, List<List<List<String>>>>(
VarCharColumnType(colLength = 32),
dimensions = 3
This will prevent an exception being thrown if Exposed cannot find an associated column mapping for the defined type. Null array contents are allowed, and the explicit column type should be provided for these columns as well.
An array column accepts inserts and retrieves stored array contents as a Kotlin List
Teams.insert {
// Single-dimensional arrays
it[memberIds] = List(5) { UUID.randomUUID() }
it[memberNames] = List(5) { i -> "Member ${'A' + i}" }
it[budgets] = listOf(9999.0)
// Multi-dimensional arrays
it[nestedMemberIds] = List(5) { List(5) { UUID.randomUUID() } }
it[hierarchicalMemberNames] = List(3) { List(3) { List(3) {
i -> "Member ${'A' + i}"
} } }
Array functions
A single element in a stored array can be accessed using the index reference get()
val firstMember = Teams.memberIds[1]
.where { Teams.expenses[1] greater Teams.budgets[1] }
This also applies to multidimensional arrays:
.where { Teams.hierarchicalMemberNames[1][1] eq "Mr. Smith" }
Both PostgreSQL and H2 use a one-based indexing convention, so the first element is retrieved by using index 1.
A new subarray can also be accessed by using .slice()
, which takes a lower and upper bound (inclusive):, 3))
In the case of multidimensional arrays, the .slice()
calls can be nested:, 2).slice(3, 4))
Both arguments for these bounds are optional if using PostgreSQL.
An array column can also be used as an argument for the ANY
and ALL
SQL operators, either by providing the entire column or a new array expression via .slice()
.where { Teams.budgets[1] lessEq allFrom(Teams.expenses) }
.where { stringParam("Member A") eq anyFrom(Teams.memberNames.slice(1, 4)) }
Custom data types
If a database-specific data type is not immediately supported by Exposed, any existing and open column type class can be extended, or a custom ColumnType
class can be implemented to achieve the same functionality.
The following examples describe different ways to customize a column type, register a column with the custom type, and then start using it in transactions.
Hierarchical tree-like data
PostgreSQL provides a data type, ltree
, to represent hierarchical tree-like data.
The hierarchy labels are stored as strings, so the existing StringColumnType
class be extended with a few overrides:
import org.postgresql.util.PGobject
class LTreeColumnType : StringColumnType() {
override fun sqlType(): String = "LTREE"
override fun setParameter(stmt: PreparedStatementApi, index: Int, value: Any?) {
val parameterValue: PGobject? = value?.let {
PGobject().apply {
type = sqlType()
this.value = value as? String
super.setParameter(stmt, index, parameterValue)
When setting an object in a prepared statement with JDBC, any unknown data type without a JDBC mapping is set as a varying character string. To avoid a casting exception due to PostgreSQL's stricter type system, the type of the set parameter should be manually declared, by using a
, as shown in the example above.
A table extension function can then be added to register a new column with this type:
fun Table.ltree(name: String): Column<String> = registerColumn(name, LTreeColumnType())
object TestTable : Table("test_table") {
val path = ltree("path")
init {
index(customIndexName = "path_gist_idx", indexType = "GIST", columns = arrayOf(path))
index(customIndexName = "path_idx", indexType = "BTREE", columns = arrayOf(path))
To use the
data type, the extension must first be enabled in the database by runningexec("CREATE EXTENSION ltree;")
String values representing hierarchy labels can then be inserted and queried from the path
column. The following block shows an update of all records that have a stored path
either equal to or a descendant of the path Top.Science
, by setting a subpath of the first 2 labels as the updated value:
transaction {
where = { TestTable.path isDescendantOrEq "Top.Science" }
) {
it[path] = path.subltree(0, 2)
fun <T : String?> Expression<T>.subltree(start: Int, end: Int) =
CustomStringFunction("SUBLTREE", this, intParam(start), intParam(end))
infix fun <T : String?> ExpressionWithColumnType<T>.isDescendantOrEq(other: T) =
IsDescendantOrEqOp(this, wrap(other))
class IsDescendantOrEqOp<T : String?>(
left: Expression<T>,
right: Expression<T>
) : ComparisonOp(left, right, "<@")
Date and time data
MySQL and MariaDB provide a data type, YEAR
, for 1-byte storage of year values in the range of 1901 to 2155.
This example assumes that the column accepts string input values, but a numerical format is also possible, in which case IntegerColumnType
could be extended instead:
class YearColumnType : StringColumnType(), IDateColumnType {
override fun sqlType(): String = "YEAR"
override val hasTimePart: Boolean = false
override fun valueFromDB(value: Any): String = when (value) {
is java.sql.Date -> value.toString().substringBefore('-')
else -> error("Retrieved unexpected value of type ${value::class.simpleName}")
fun Table.year(name: String): Column<String> = registerColumn(name, YearColumnType())
The IDateColumnType
interface is implemented to ensure that any default expressions are handled appropriately. For example, a new object CurrentYear
can be added as a default to avoid issues with the strict column typing:
object CurrentYear : Function<String>(YearColumnType()) {
override fun toQueryBuilder(queryBuilder: QueryBuilder) {
queryBuilder { +"CURRENT_DATE" }
object TestTable : Table("test_table") {
val established = year("established").defaultExpression(CurrentYear)
String values of different formats (depending on the enabled sql_mode
) can then be inserted and queried from the year
transaction {
// disable strict mode to allow truncation of full date strings
exec("SET sql_mode=''")
val yearData = listOf("1901", "2000", "2023-08-22", "2155")
TestTable.batchInsert(yearData) { year ->
this[TestTable.established] = year
.where { TestTable.established less CurrentYear }
Ranges of data
PostgreSQL provides multiple range data types of different subtypes.
If more than one range subtype needs to be used, a base RangeColumnType
class could be first introduced with the minimum common logic:
import org.postgresql.util.PGobject
abstract class RangeColumnType<T : Comparable<T>, R : ClosedRange<T>>(
val subType: ColumnType<T>,
) : ColumnType<R>() {
abstract fun List<String>.toRange(): R
override fun nonNullValueToString(value: R): String {
return "[${value.start},${value.endInclusive}]"
override fun nonNullValueAsDefaultString(value: R): String {
return "'${nonNullValueToString(value)}'"
override fun setParameter(stmt: PreparedStatementApi, index: Int, value: Any?) {
val parameterValue: PGobject? = value?.let {
PGobject().apply {
type = sqlType()
this.value = nonNullValueToString(it as R)
super.setParameter(stmt, index, parameterValue)
override fun valueFromDB(value: Any): R? = when (value) {
is PGobject -> value.value?.let {
val components = it.trim('[', ')').split(',')
else -> error("Retrieved unexpected value of type ${value::class.simpleName}")
A class for the type int4range
that accepts IntRange
values could then be implemented:
class IntRangeColumnType : RangeColumnType<Int, IntRange>(IntegerColumnType()) {
override fun sqlType(): String = "INT4RANGE"
override fun List<String>.toRange(): IntRange {
return IntRange(first().toInt(), last().toInt() - 1)
fun Table.intRange(name: String): Column<IntRange> = registerColumn(name, IntRangeColumnType())
If a custom Kotlin implementation for a DateRange
is set up (using Iterable
and ClosedRange
), then a class for the type daterange
can also be added. This implementation would require a dependency on exposed-kotlin-datetime
class DateRangeColumnType : RangeColumnType<LocalDate, DateRange>(KotlinLocalDateColumnType()) {
override fun sqlType(): String = "DATERANGE"
override fun List<String>.toRange(): DateRange {
val endInclusive = LocalDate.parse(last()).minus(1, DateTimeUnit.DAY)
return DateRange(LocalDate.parse(first()), endInclusive)
fun Table.dateRange(name: String): Column<DateRange> = registerColumn(name, DateRangeColumnType())
These new column types can be used in a table definition:
object TestTable : Table("test_table") {
val amounts = intRange("amounts").default(1..10)
val holidays = dateRange("holidays")
With the addition of some custom functions, the stored data can then be queried to return the upper bound of the date range for all records that have an integer range within the specified bounds:
transaction {
val holidayEnd = TestTable.holidays.upperBound()
.where { TestTable.amounts isContainedBy 0..100 }
fun <T : Comparable<T>, CR : ClosedRange<T>, R : CR?> ExpressionWithColumnType<R>.upperBound() =
CustomFunction("UPPER", (columnType as RangeColumnType<T, CR>).subType, this)
infix fun <R : ClosedRange<*>?> ExpressionWithColumnType<R>.isContainedBy(other: R) =
RangeIsContainedOp(this, wrap(other))
class RangeIsContainedOp<R : ClosedRange<*>?>(
left: Expression<R>,
right: Expression<R>
) : ComparisonOp(left, right, "<@")
Predefined string data
MySQL and MariaDB provide a data type, SET
, for strings that can have zero or more values from a defined list of permitted values. This could be useful, for example, when storing a list of Kotlin enum constants.
To use this type, a new ColumnType
could be implemented with all the necessary overrides. This example instead takes advantage of the existing logic in StringColumnType
as the base for database storage, then uses a custom ColumnTransformer
to achieve the final transformation between a set of enum constants and a string:
class SetColumnType<T : Enum<T>>(
private val enumClass: KClass<T>
) : StringColumnType() {
// uses reflection to retrieve elements of the enum class
private val enumConstants by lazy { { } ?: emptyList()
override fun sqlType(): String = enumConstants
.takeUnless { it.isEmpty() }
?.let { "SET(${it.joinToString { e -> "'$e'" }})" }
?: error("SET column must be defined with a list of permitted values")
inline fun <reified T : Enum<T>> Table.set(name: String): Column<String> =
registerColumn(name, SetColumnType(T::class))
class EnumListColumnType<T : Enum<T>>(
private val enumClass: KClass<T>
) : ColumnTransformer<String, List<T>> {
private val enumConstants by lazy { { } ?: emptyMap()
override fun unwrap(value: List<T>): String {
return value.joinToString(separator = ",") { }
override fun wrap(value: String): List<T> = value
.takeUnless { it.isEmpty() }?.let {
it.split(',').map { e ->
?: error("$it can't be associated with any value from ${enumClass.qualifiedName}")
?: emptyList()
See column transformations for more details about
The new column type and transformer can then be used in a table definition:
enum class Vowel { A, E, I, O, U }
object TestTable : Table("test_table") {
val vowel: Column<List<Vowel>> = set<Vowel>("vowel")
.default(listOf(Vowel.A, Vowel.E))
Lists of enum constants can then be inserted and queried from the set
column. The following block shows a query for all records that have Vowel.O
stored at any position in the set
column string:
transaction {
TestTable.insert { it[vowel] = listOf(Vowel.U, Vowel.E) }
TestTable.insert { it[vowel] = emptyList() }
TestTable.insert { it[vowel] = Vowel.entries }
.where { TestTable.vowel.findInSet(Vowel.O) greater 0 }
fun <T : Enum<T>> Expression<List<T>>.findInSet(enum: T) =
CustomFunction("FIND_IN_SET", IntegerColumnType(), stringParam(, this)
Key-Value pair data
PostgreSQL provides a data type, hstore
, to store key-value data pairs in a single text string.
The existing StringColumnType
class can be extended with a few overrides:
import org.postgresql.util.PGobject
class HStoreColumnType : TextColumnType() {
override fun sqlType(): String = "HSTORE"
override fun setParameter(stmt: PreparedStatementApi, index: Int, value: Any?) {
val parameterValue: PGobject? = value?.let {
PGobject().apply {
type = sqlType()
this.value = value as? String
super.setParameter(stmt, index, parameterValue)
A table extension function can then be added to register a new column with this type. This example assumes that the input values will be of type Map<String, String>
, so transform()
is used on the string column to handle parsing:
fun Table.hstore(name: String): Column<String> = registerColumn(name, HStoreColumnType())
object TestTable : Table("test_table") {
val bookDetails = hstore("book_details").transform(
wrap = {
it.trim('{', '}').split(", ")
.associate { pair ->
pair.substringBefore("=") to pair.substringAfter("=")
unwrap = {
it.entries.joinToString(separator = ",") { (k, v) ->
See column transformations for more details about
To use the
data type, the extension must first be enabled in the database by runningexec("CREATE EXTENSION hstore;")
Map values representing key-value pairs of strings can then be inserted and queried from the bookDetails
column. The following block queries the value associated with the title
key from all bookDetails
transaction {
TestTable.insert {
it[bookDetails] = mapOf(
"title" to "Kotlin in Action",
"edition" to "2"
val bookTitle = TestTable.bookDetails.getValue("title")
fun <T : Map<String, String>> Expression<T>.getValue(key: String) =
CustomOperator("->", TextColumnType(), this, stringParam(key))
Case insensitive data
PostgreSQL provides a data type, citext
, that represents a case-insensitive string type.
The existing StringColumnType
class can be extended with a few overrides:
import org.postgresql.util.PGobject
class CitextColumnType(
colLength: Int
) : VarCharColumnType(colLength) {
override fun sqlType(): String = "CITEXT"
override fun setParameter(stmt: PreparedStatementApi, index: Int, value: Any?) {
val parameterValue: PGobject? = value?.let {
PGobject().apply {
type = sqlType()
this.value = value as? String
super.setParameter(stmt, index, parameterValue)
A table extension function can then be added to register a new column with this type:
fun Table.citext(name: String, length: Int): Column<String> =
registerColumn(name, CitextColumnType(length))
object TestTable : Table("test_table") {
val firstName = citext("first_name", 32)
To use the
data type, the extension must first be enabled in the database by runningexec("CREATE EXTENSION citext;")
String values can then be inserted and queried from the firstName
column in a case-insensitive manner:
transaction {
val allNames = listOf("Anna", "Anya", "Agna")
TestTable.batchInsert(allNames) { name ->
this[TestTable.firstName] = name
.where { TestTable.firstName like "an%" }
Column transformation
Column transformations allow to define custom transformations between database column types and application's data types. This can be particularly useful when you need to store data in one format but work with it in another format within your application.
Consider the following example, where we define a table to store meal times and transform these times into meal types:
enum class Meal {
object Meals : Table() {
val mealTime: Column<Meal> = time("meal_time")
wrap = {
when {
it.hour < 10 -> Meal.BREAKFAST
it.hour < 15 -> Meal.LUNCH
else -> Meal.DINNER
unwrap = {
when (it) {
Meal.BREAKFAST -> LocalTime(8, 0)
Meal.LUNCH -> LocalTime(12, 0)
Meal.DINNER -> LocalTime(18, 0)
The .transform()
function is used to apply custom transformations to the mealTime
function transforms the storedLocalTime
values intoMeal
enums. It checks the hour of the stored time and returns the corresponding meal type.The
function transformsMeal
enums back intoLocalTime
values for storage in the database.
Transformation could be also defined as an implementation of the ColumnTransformer
interface and reused across different tables:
class MealTimeTransformer : ColumnTransformer<LocalTime, Meal> {
override fun wrap(value: LocalTime): Meal = when {
value.hour < 10 -> Meal.BREAKFAST
value.hour < 15 -> Meal.LUNCH
else -> Meal.DINNER
override fun unwrap(value: Meal): LocalTime = when (value) {
Meal.BREAKFAST -> LocalTime(8, 0)
Meal.LUNCH -> LocalTime(12, 0)
Meal.DINNER -> LocalTime(18, 0)
object Meals : Table() {
val mealTime: Column<Meal> = time("meal_time").transform(MealTimeTransformer())
Note that these transformations will occur with every access of the table column. Therefore, to maintain performance efficiency, it is advisable to avoid heavy transformations in this context.
Null transform
The .nullTransform()
method applies a special transformation that allows a non-nullable database column to accept and/or return values as null
on the client side.
This transformation does not alter the column's definition in the database, which will still be NON NULL
. It enables reflecting non-null values from the database as null
in Kotlin (e.g., converting an empty string from a non-nullable text column, empty lists, negative IDs, etc., to null
class MealTimeNullTransformer : ColumnTransformer<LocalTime, Meal?> {
override fun wrap(value: LocalTime): Meal? = when {
value.hour == 0 && value.minute == 0 -> null
value.hour < 10 -> Meal.BREAKFAST
value.hour < 15 -> Meal.LUNCH
else -> Meal.DINNER
override fun unwrap(value: Meal?): LocalTime = when (value) {
Meal.BREAKFAST -> LocalTime(8, 0)
Meal.LUNCH -> LocalTime(12, 0)
Meal.DINNER -> LocalTime(18, 0)
else -> LocalTime(0, 0)
object Meals : Table() {
val mealTime: Column<Meal?> = time("meal_time").nullTransform(MealTimeNullTransformer())