Frequently Asked Questions
Last modified: 03 March 2025Q: Squash is same as Exposed. Where is the difference?
A: Ilya Ryzhenkov (Squash maintainer) answers:
Squash is an attempt to refactor Exposed (long time ago) to fix DSL issues, extensibility on dialect side, support graph fetching and avoid TLS-stored transactions. Unfortunately, I didn’t have enough time to finish the work, but I still hope to return to it some day. We are talking with Exposed maintainer @tapac about coordinating efforts and eventually joining forces. Note, that none of these libs are “official” JetBrains Kotlin SQL libs, they are both side projects of their respective authors.
Q: Can I use multiple Database Connections?
A: Yes. See Transactions
Q: Is Array
column type supported?
A: Yes. See Data Types.
Q: Is upsert
A: Yes. See Insert Or Update
Q: Is json
type supported?
A: Yes. See JSON
Q: How to get a plain SQL query which will be executed?
val plainSQL = FooTable.selectAll().where {}.prepareSQL(QueryBuilder(false))
Use QueryBuiler with false
- if you want to inline statement arguments, true
- to see '?' in query.
Q: Is it possible to update a field relative to current field value?
A: Yes. See example here:
Q: How can I add another type of Database?
A: Implement DatabaseDialect
interface and register it with Database.registerDialect()
If the implementation adds a lot of value consider contributing it as a PR to Exposed.
Q: Is it possible to create tables with cross / cyclic reference?
A: Yes, it's possible since Exposed 0.11.1 version
Q: How can I implement nested queries?
A: See example here:
Q: How can I use SAVEPOINT?
A: It possible only through using a raw connection. See example here.
Q: How to prepare query like: SELECT * FROM table WHERE (x,y) IN ((1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6))
A: It possible with custom function. See example.
Q: Where can I find snapshot builds of Exposed
A: You could use service for that.
Add to repositories:
repositories {
maven { url '' }
Then add Exposed dependency as stated below:
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.JetBrains:Exposed:-SNAPSHOT'
Q: How can I create a custom column type?
A: Just implements IColumnType and use registerColumn to extends a Table
eg: Create custom UUID types (inpired by @pjagielski article)
abstract class TypedId(open val id: UUID): Serializable, Comparable<TypedId> {
override fun compareTo(other: TypedId) =
class TypedUUIDColumnType<T: TypedId>(val constructor: (UUID) -> T, private val uuidColType: UUIDColumnType = UUIDColumnType()): IColumnType by uuidColType {
override fun valueFromDB(value: Any) = constructor(uuidColType.valueFromDB(value))
override fun notNullValueToDB(value: Any): Any = uuidColType.notNullValueToDB(valueUnwrap(value))
override fun nonNullValueToString(value: Any): String = uuidColType.nonNullValueToString(valueUnwrap(value))
private fun valueUnwrap(value: Any) = (value as? TypedId)?.id ?: value
fun <T: TypedId> Table.typedUuid(name: String, constructor: (UUID) -> T) = registerColumn<T>(name, TypedUUIDColumnType<T>(constructor))
fun <T: TypedId> Column<T>.autoGenerate(constructor: (UUID) -> T): Column<T> = clientDefault { constructor(UUID.randomUUID()) }
class StarWarsFilmId(id: UUID): TypedId(id)
object StarWarsFilms : Table() {
val id = typedUuid("id") { StarWarsFilmId(it) }.autoGenerate{ StarWarsFilmId(it) }
val name: Column<String> = varchar("name", 50)
val director: Column<String> = varchar("director", 50)
final override val primaryKey = PrimaryKey(id)
Reference: #149