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List of Java postfix completion templates

This table summarizes the postfix completion templates that you can use with your Java code.



Example. Before

Example. After


Negates a boolean expression.

public class Foo { void m(boolean b) { m(b!); } }
public class Foo { void m(boolean b) { m(!b); } }


Wraps an object with a function call.

public class Foo { void m(Object o) { o.arg } }
public class Foo { void m(Object o) { call(o) } }


Creates an assertion from a boolean expression.

public void m(boolean value) { value.assert }
public void m(boolean value) { assert value; }


Surrounds an expression with a cast.

public class Foo { void m(Object o) { o.cast } }
public class Foo { void m(Object o) { (() o) } }


Creates a new variable for the expression with type casting.

void m(Object o) { if (o instanceof String) { o.castvar } }
void m(Object o) { if (o instanceof String) { String o = (String)o; } }


Adds a check verifying that a boolean expression is false.

public class Foo { void m(boolean b) { b.else } }
public class Foo { void m(boolean b) { if (!b) { } } }


Introduces a field for an expression.

public class Foo { public Foo(int arg) { arg.field } }
public class Foo { private int foo; public Foo(int arg) { foo = arg; } }


Iterates over an enumerable collection.

public class Foo { void m() { int[] values = {1, 2, 3}; values.for } }
public class Foo { void m() { int[] values = {1, 2, 3}; for (int value : values) { } } }


Iterates with an index over a collection.

public class Foo { void m() { int foo = 100; foo.fori } }
public class Foo { void m() { int foo = 100; for (int i = 0; i < foo; i++) { } } }


Creates a String.format call.

public void m(String value) { value.format }
public void m(String value) { String.format(value, ); }


Iterates with an index in reverse order. The template can also be used on an array or a list to iterate over its elements in reverse order.

public class Foo { void m() { int foo = 100; foo.forr } }
public class Foo { void m() { int foo = 100; for (int i = foo; i &gt; 0; i--) { } } }


Adds a check verifying that a boolean expression is true.

public class Foo { void m(boolean b) { b.if } }
public class Foo { void m(boolean b) { if (b) { } } }


Surrounds an expression with instanceof.

public class Foo { void m(Object o) { o.inst } }
public class Foo { void m(Object o) { o instanceof ? (() o) : null; } }


Surrounds an expression with instanceof.

public class Foo { void m(Object o) { o.instanceof } }
public class Foo { void m(Object o) { o instanceof ? (() o) : null; } }


Iterates over an enumerable collection.

public class Foo { void m() { int[] values = {1, 2, 3}; values.iter } }
public class Foo { void m() { int[] values = {1, 2, 3}; for (int value : values) { } } }


Surrounds an expression with a lambda.

public void m() { foo().lambda }
public void m() { () -&gt; foo() }


Inserts a new call for a class.
new Foo()


Adds a check verifying that an expression is not null.

public class Foo { void m(Object o) { o.nn } }
public class Foo { void m(Object o) { if (o != null){ } } }


Negates a boolean expression.

public class Foo { void m(boolean b) { m(b.not); } }
public class Foo { void m(boolean b) { m(!b); } }


Adds a check verifying that an expression is not null.

public class Foo { void m(Object o) { o.notnull } }
public class Foo { void m(Object o) { if (o != null){ } } }


Adds a check verifying that an expression is null.

public class Foo { void m(Object o) { o.null } }
public class Foo { void m(Object o) { if (o == null){ } } }


Creates an Optional object.

public void m(int intValue, double doubleValue, long longValue, Object objValue) { intValue.opt doubleValue.opt longValue.opt objValue.opt }
public void m(int intValue, double doubleValue, long longValue, Object objValue) { OptionalInt.of(intValue) OptionalDouble.of(doubleValue) OptionalLong.of(longValue) Optional.ofNullable(objValue) }


Parenthesizes an expression.

public class Foo { void m(Object o) { o.par } }
public class Foo { void m(Object o) { (o) } }


Wraps an object with Objects.requireNonNull.

public class Foo { void m(Object o) { o.reqnonnull } }
public class Foo { void m(Object o) { Objects.requireNonNull(o) } }


Returns a value from the containing method.

public class Foo { String m() { "result".return } }
public class Foo { String m() { return "result"; } }


Creates a System.err.println call.

public class Foo { void m(boolean b) { b.serr } }
public class Foo { void m(boolean b) { System.err.println(b); } }


Creates a System.out.printf call.

public class Foo { void m(boolean b) { b.souf } }
public class Foo { void m(boolean b) { System.out.printf("", b); } }


Creates a System.out.println call.

public class Foo { void m(boolean b) { b.sout } }
public class Foo { void m(boolean b) { System.out.println(b); } }


Creates System.out.println with a description of the printed value call.

public class Foo { void m(boolean b) { b.soutv } }
public class Foo { void m(boolean b) { System.out.println("b = " + b); } }


Creates an call.

public void m(String[] array) { }
public void m(String[] array) { }


Produces switch over integral/enum/string values.

public enum Foo { A, B, C; void f(Foo foo) { foo.switch } }
public enum Foo { A, B, C; void f(Foo foo) { switch (foo) { } } }


Produces a synchronization statement.

public class Foo { void m(Object o) { o.synchronized } }
public class Foo { void m(Object o) { synchronized (o) { } } }


Wraps Flux/Mono with reactor.test.StepVerifier.create method call.

public void m() { Flux.just(1).test Flux.just(2).testN }
public void m() { StepVerifier.create(Flux.just(1)) StepVerifier.create(Flux.just(2), ) }


Wraps Flux/Mono with reactor.test.StepVerifier.create method call.

public void m() { Flux.just(1).test Flux.just(2).testN }
public void m() { StepVerifier.create(Flux.just(1)) StepVerifier.create(Flux.just(2), ) }


Throws an expression of the Throwable type.

public class Foo { void m() { new RuntimeException("error").throw } }
public class Foo { void m() { throw new RuntimeException("error"); } }


Wraps expression with a suitable RxJava2 or RxJava3 Completable factory.

public void m(Throwable error, String s, Future<Integer> future, Callable<String> callable, Single<String> single) { error.toCompletable s.toCompletable future.toCompletable callable.toCompletable single.toCompletable }
public void m(Throwable error, String s, Future<Integer> future, Callable<String> callable, Single<String> single) { Completable.error(error) Completable.complete() Completable.fromFuture(future) Completable.fromCallable(callable) Completable.fromSingle(single) }


Wraps expression with a suitable RxJava2 or RxJava3 Flowable factory.

public void m(Throwable error, String s, List<Integer> list, String[] array, Publisher<Integer> p, Stream<Integer> stream) { error.toFlowable s.toFlowable list.toFlowable array.toFlowable p.toFlowable stream.toFlowable }
public void m(Throwable error, String s, List<Integer> list, String[] array, Publisher<Integer> p, Stream<Integer> stream) { Flowable.error(error) Flowable.just(s) Flowable.fromIterable(list) Flowable.fromArray(array) Flowable.fromPublisher(p) Flowable.fromStream(stream) }


Wraps expression with a suitable reactor.core.publisher.Flux factory.

public void m(Throwable error, String s, List<Integer> list, String[] array, Mono<Integer> mono, Stream<Integer> stream) { error.toFlux s.toFlux list.toFlux array.toFlux mono.toFlux stream.toFlux }
public void m(Throwable error, String s, List<Integer> list, String[] array, Mono<Integer> mono, Stream<Integer> stream) { Flux.error(error) Flux.just(s) Flux.fromIterable(list) Flux.fromArray(array) Flux.from(mono) Flux.fromStream(stream) }


Wraps expression with a suitable RxJava2 or RxJava3 Maybe factory.

public void m(Throwable error, String s, Future<Integer> future, Callable<String> callable, Single<String> single) { error.toMaybe s.toMaybe future.toMaybe callable.toMaybe single.toMaybe }
public void m(Throwable error, String s, Future<Integer> future, Callable<String> callable, Single<String> single) { Maybe.error(error) Maybe.just(s) Maybe.fromFuture(future) Maybe.fromCallable(callable) Maybe.fromSingle(single) }


Wraps expression with a suitable reactor.core.publisher.Mono factory.

public void m(Throwable error, String s, CompletableFuture<Integer> future, Callable<String> callable, Mono<Integer> mono, Supplier<Double> sup) { error.toMono s.toMono future.toMono callable.toMono mono.toMono sup.toMono }
public void m(Throwable error, String s, CompletableFuture<Integer> future, Callable<String> callable, Mono<Integer> mono, Supplier<Double> sup) { Mono.error(error) Mono.just(s) Mono.fromFuture(future) Mono.fromCallable(callable) Mono.from(mono) Mono.fromSupplier(sup) }


Wraps expression with a suitable RxJava2 or RxJava3 Observable factory.

public void m(Throwable error, String s, List<Integer> list, String[] array, Publisher<Integer> p, Stream<Integer> stream) { error.toObservable s.toObservable list.toObservable array.toObservable p.toObservable stream.toObservable }
public void m(Throwable error, String s, List<Integer> list, String[] array, Publisher<Integer> p, Stream<Integer> stream) { Observable.error(error) Observable.just(s) Observable.fromIterable(list) Observable.fromArray(array) Observable.fromPublisher(p) Observable.fromStream(stream) }


Wraps expression with a suitable RxJava2 or RxJava3 Single factory.

public void m(Throwable error, String s, Future<Integer> future, Callable<String> callable, Maybe<String> maybe) { error.toSingle s.toSingle future.toSingle callable.toSingle maybe.toSingle }
public void m(Throwable error, String s, Future<Integer> future, Callable<String> callable, Maybe<String> maybe) { Single.error(error) Single.just(s) Single.fromFuture(future) Single.fromCallable(callable) Single.fromMaybe(maybe) }


Inserts a statement in a try-catch block.

public void m2() { m().try } public void m() throws CheckedException { }
public void m2() { try { m(); } catch(CheckedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void m() throws CheckedException { }


Inserts a statement in a try-with-resources block (Java 7 or higher is required).

public class Foo { void m() { getStream().twr } AutoCloseable getStream() { return null; } }
public class Foo { void m() { try (AutoCloseable stream = getStream()) { } catch (Exception e) { } } AutoCloseable getStream() { return null; } }


Introduces a lombok.val variable for an expression.

public class Foo { void m(Object o) { String.valueOf(123).val } }
public class Foo { void m(Object o) { lombok.val foo = String.valueOf(123); } }


Introduces a variable for an expression.

public class Foo { void m(Object o) { o instanceof String.var } }
public class Foo { void m(Object o) { boolean foo = o instanceof String; } }


Introduces a lombok.var variable for an expression.

public class Foo { void m(Object o) { String.valueOf(123).varl } }
public class Foo { void m(Object o) { lombok.var foo = String.valueOf(123); } }


Iterates while the boolean statement is true.

public class Foo { void m(boolean x) { x.while return; } }
public class Foo { void m(boolean x) { while (x) { } return; } }
Last modified: 11 February 2024