JavaScript templates
The simplest template to search for method calls is $Instance$.$MethodCall$($Arguments$)

The Find tool window shows the detected method calls.

If you need to locate a method call with the specific number of arguments, position the caret at the $Arguments$
variable and configure the Count filter for it.

The list of search results in the Find tool window shrinks.
To navigate to the method call in the source code, double-click it in the Find tool window. GoLand opens the corresponding file in the editor and positions the caret at the method call.

The source code with the detected method calls are also shown in the right-hand pane of the Find tool window.
If you have a JavaScript or Typescript class MyClass
class MyClass {}
Then the simplest template to search for it is class $name$ {}

If you have a JavaScript or Typescript interface MyInterface
and a class Implementation
that implements it:
class Implementation implements MyInterface{}
Then the simplest template to search for the implementation is class $Class$ implements $SomeInterface$ {}
If you have a JavaScript or Typescript class Parent
and a class Descendant
that extends it:
class Descendant extends Parent{}
Then the simplest template to search for Descendant
is class $Class$ extends $AnotherClass$ {}
The simplest template to search for if statements is if($var$){$code$}
As a result, the detected occurrences will be shown in the Find tool window, double-click the one you are interested in to navigate to the source code. GoLand opens the corresponding file in the editor and positions the caret at the statement.

The simplest template to find comments or literals containing SomethingWeWantToFind
is: $SomethingWeWantToFind$
or "$SomethingWeWantToFind$"
. To find comments/strings containing some particular words (say, SomethingWeWantToFind as a word), this should be specified as a text constraint.

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