Hub 2017.1 Help

/Manage the Default Administrator Account
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Manage the Default Administrator Account

When you install Hub for the first time, you set the login and password for the default administrator account. This account is assigned the System Admin role in the Global project.

If you forget the credentials for the default administrator account, or have inherited an installation that was configured by another administrator, you can reset the login and password for the account to their default values. You can also set the system properties for the default administrator when you restore the account.

Reset the Default Administrator Account for an MSI Installation

If you run Hub as Windows service, use the following procedure.

To reset the default administrator account credentials:

  1. Stop the Hub service.
  2. Navigate to the %programdata%\JetBrains\Hub\conf\ directory.
    • If the directory already contains the hub.jvmoptions file, open the file.
    • If you have not changed the system properties or JVM options for your server, the directory contains a sample configuration file. The sample configuration file uses the .dist extension and contains a list of default JVM options. Copy the hub.jvmoptions.dist file and save it as hub.jvmoptions.
  3. Add the -Djetbrains.jetpass.admin.restore=true system property to the configuration file. The configuration file format is described in the file itself.

    If you want to set any of the system properties for the default administrator account, add them to the file. Add each system property to a new line. For a list of system properties, see System Properties for the Default Administrator Account.

  4. Start the Hub service.
    • The default administrator credentials are reset to their default values or the values that are specified in the configuration file.
  5. Log into Hub with the default administrator account.
  6. If needed, change the password for the account.
  7. Delete the -Djetbrains.jetpass.admin.restore=true system property from the configuration file. Otherwise, the system administrator password is reset every time you restart the Hub service.

    If you specified additional system properties for the administrator account, remove them as well.

Restore Root Password for ZIP Installations

If you installed Hub with a ZIP installation, use the following procedure.

To reset the default administrator account credentials:

  1. Stop Hub with the command:
    <Hub Installation Directory>/bin/ stop
  2. Start Hub with the command:
    <Hub Installation Directory>/bin/ start --J-Djetbrains.jetpass.admin.restore=true

    Make sure to enter two dashes before the J option. This method sets the system property for the current run only and does not update the configuration file. The administrator account credentials are not reset for subsequent restarts of the Hub service.

    If you want to set any of the system properties for the default administrator account, add them to the command. For a list of system properties, see System Properties for the Default Administrator Account.

    • The Hub service starts using the specified setting.
    • The default administrator credentials are reset to their default values or the values that are specified in the command.
  3. Log into Hub with the default administrator account.
  4. If needed, change the password for the account.

System Properties for the Default Administrator Account

You can set the following system properties when you start Hub with the jetbrains.jetpass.admin.restore=true parameter. When you use these properties to set, for example, the login and password of the default administrator account, you can update the credentials without having to log in and update them in the user interface.

jetbrains.jetpass.admin.uuid Sets the UUID of the default administrator account.string Sets the full name of the default administrator account.string
jetbrains.jetpass.admin.login Sets the login of the default administrator account.string Sets the email address of the default administrator account.string
jetbrains.jetpass.admin.password Sets the password of the default administrator account.string
Last modified: 6 April 2017