Hub 2017.1 Help

/SSL Key Stores
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SSL Key Stores

Hub supports uploading SSL key stores and trusted certificates. A client key is used to identify Hub as a client when connecting to a third-party server, whereas adding a server certificate as trusted means that you do trust the server that possesses a respective key.

The uploaded SSL client keys and trusted certificates can be used to configure secure connection with various supported Authentication Module providers.


  • You must have System Administrator privileges in Hub.
  • The key store must be in PKCS12 or JKS format.
  • The key store must be password protected.
  • The key store must contain a single entry.

Managing SSL Key Stores

To view and manage SSL keys, open the More Settings > SSL Key Stores page in Hub.

To upload a new SSL client key:

  1. In the Server Settings section of the Administration menu, select SSL Key Stores.
  2. Click 'Import key store'.
  3. In the appeared dialog, select the target key store file on your local machine.
  4. Enter your password to the key store. Key stores without password protection are not supported.
  5. Click Import to upload selected key store to Hub.

When the import is finished, the page with the key store properties is displayed.

To quickly view the properties of a key store:

  1. Click on its row in the list of key stores.
  2. Click Show details button to view properties of the selected key store in the right sidebar.

To edit the name of a key store:

  1. Click the name of the desired certificate in the list to open its properties page.
  2. Edit the name of the certificate and click Save button that will be displayed next to the field as soon as you start editing it.

To delete an existing key store:

  1. Select a key store in the list.
  2. Click the trash button in the toolbar.
Last modified: 6 April 2017