Markdown Syntax
Hub supports elements of the Markdown markup language in Quick Notes widgets. Use this reference to format content in these widgets on the Dashboard.
To see any of these formatting options in action, paste the sample block of code into a Quick Notes widget.
To apply a heading style, start the line with one to six #
signs. Follow the number signs with a space character and enter the heading text.
The number of #
signs determines the heading level.
Hub also supports an alternative syntax for heading levels 1 and 2:
- For heading level 1, enter one or more
characters on the following line. - For heading level 2, enter one or more
characters on the following line.
# Heading 1
## Heading 2
### Heading 3
#### Heading 4
##### Heading 5
###### Heading 6
Heading 1 - Alternative Syntax
Heading 2 - Alternative Syntax
Paragraphs and Line Breaks
Contiguous lines of text belong to the same paragraph. Use the following guidelines to structure your content into paragraphs and enter line breaks.
- To start a new paragraph, leave a blank line between lines of text.
- To start a new line inside a paragraph, enter two trailing spaces at the end of the line of text.
Horizontal Lines
Create sections in your content with horizontal lines. Use any of the following methods to add a horizontal line:
Character Formatting
You can format inline text with the following Markdown syntax.
You should read this, it's **very important**.
You _might_ want to read this.
~~Never mind~~ - it wasn't _that_ important.
**This text is set in bold, ~~this text is set in bold with strikethrough~~, and _this text is set in bold italics_**
Quote Blocks
Use quote blocks to call special attention to a quote from another source. You can apply character formatting to inline text inside the quoted block.
To set text as a quote block, start the line with one or more >
Follow these characters with a space and enter the quoted text.
The number of >
signs determines the level of nesting inside the quote block.
If your quote spans multiple paragraphs, each blank line must start with the >
This ensures that the entire quote block is grouped together.
> Use quote blocks to emulate reply text.
> This line is part of the same quote.
This line is not formatted and does not belong to the quote block.
> This block spans multiple paragraphs.
> The second paragraph is grouped with the previous paragraph in the same quote block.
> Character formatting is _also_ supported inside the **quote block**.
Code Blocks
You can format text in a monospaced font to make it easier to identify and read as commands or code.
- To format code inline, surround the text with single backquotes (
). - To create a fenced code block that spans multiple lines of code, set the text inside three backquotes (
Format code and commands inline with the `monospace` syntax.
Set multiple lines of code in fenced code blocks.
rule jetbrains-youtrack-doNotVoteForResolvedIssue
when isResolved() {
assert !votes.changed: l10n ( You cannot vote for resolved issues. );
Use the following syntax to create lists:
- To create an unordered list, start the line with a dash (
), asterisk (*
), or plus sign (+
). - To create an ordered list, start the line with a number and a period (
). Increment subsequent numbers to format each item in the ordered list. - To nest an unordered list inside an unordered or ordered list, indent the line with two spaces. Nesting ordered lists is not supported.
Things I need to do today:
1. Fix usability problem
2. Clean up the page
* Make the headings bigger
2. Push my changes
3. Create code review
* Describe my changes
* Assign reviewers
* Ask for feedback
Tables are a great tool for adding structure to your content. Use the following syntax to create tables:
- To create columns, use vertical bars (
). The outer bars are optional. - Separate the header row from the rest of the table with three or more dashes (
Note that the columns don't have to line up perfectly in the raw Markdown. You can also add character formatting to text inside the table.
Kitchen Cleanup Rotation
| Month | Assignee | Backup |
| -------- | -------- | ------ |
| January | Dave | Steve |
| February | Gregg | Karen |
| March | Diane | Jorge |
Here's the same text with character formatting.
The Markdown is stripped down to the minimum syntax that is required to render the table:
Month | Assignee | Backup
--- | --- | ---
**January** | Dave | _Steve_
**February** | Gregg | _Karen_
**March** | Diane | _Jorge_
All of the cells are left-justified. The syntax that aligns text to the right or center is not supported.
There are several ways to insert hyperlinks with Markdown.
[inline link](
[inline link with tooltip]( "JetBrains: Development Tools for Professionals and Teams")
[reference link][1]
URLs and URLs in angle brackets are automatically converted into hyperlinks. For example:
The syntax for images is similar to the syntax for hyperlinks. To insert an inline image:
- Start the line with an exclamation point (
). - Wrap the alt text with brackets (
[ ]
). - Set the image URL and tooltip in parentheses (
( )
You can also use the reference style for images. To insert an image reference:
- Start the line with an exclamation point (
). - Wrap the alt text with brackets (
[ ]
). - Set the image reference in brackets (
[ ]
). - Define the image reference in another location with the format
[tag]: image URL "tooltip"
Here's an image link to the Markdown logo on Wikipedia:

Reference style:
![Markdown logo][logo]
[logo]: "Markdown"
YouTube Video
If you have uploaded a video clip to YouTube, you can use the following syntax to add an image with a hyperlink to the video:
- Wrap the entire image reference in brackets (
[ ]
. - Enter the ID of the YouTube video in the image reference and URL.