Hub 2021.1 Help

What's New

We deliver updates and improvements to Hub on a continuous basis. Here's an overview of changes that are available in this version.

New Features



New Auth Modules for Keycloak and Okta

We've added preconfigured OAuth2.0 modules for Okta and Keycloak that let you quickly set up and enable authentication for users with registered accounts either service.

The preconfigured modules are available starting from Hub version 2021.1.13826. Earlier versions support connections to these services using the generic OAuth 2.0 authentication module.

Attribute Mapping for OAuth 2.0 Auth Modules

We've added settings that let you store attribute mapping to all OAuth 2.0 authentication module configurations. Use these settings to keep your user accounts in sync no matter which service they originate from.

These settings are available in Hub versions 2021.1.13826 and later.

Custom Attributes for User Profiles

You now have the ability to supplement user profiles in Hub by storing additional data points in custom attributes. Use this feature to sync data with an external directory service and personalize custom integrations.

Developer Portal for YouTrack and Hub

We've created a dedicated documentation space that is tailored specifically for people who build apps that integrate with Hub and YouTrack. These instructions show you how to authenticate your client applications, use the REST API, build custom widgets, and much more.

Updates and Enhancements



Updated Permissions

We've made minor adjustments that reduce the total number of permissions that restrict access to operations in Hub. This includes the removal of specific permissions that allow granular access to services and roles.

This feature is available in Hub versions 2021.1.13156 and later.

Multi-domain Support for Google Authentication

The authentication module for Google lets you restrict access to accounts from multiple domains instead of one. This feature lets you allow self-registration for Google users you know and trust while blocking those you don't.

Experimental Features



In-context Localization

Lets you suggest translations for text elements directly in the application interface. This feature is only available for languages that are supported by the Hub user community.

Last modified: 28 October 2021