Hub 2024.1 Help

Configuration Parameters

System properties in Hub are the basic settings for your Hub server. Many system properties are defined when you install or upgrade Hub. Others are defined in the user interface, for example, on the System Settings page.

The best way to manage the following system properties for your Hub server is to set the desired values in the user interface. Use the links listed for the Location to learn where you can update these settings in the Hub UI.

To learn how to apply these parameters when you start Hub, see Configure JVM Options.

General Parameters




Sets the language displayed in the Hub user interface. Specify the language in IETF BCP 47 format (en-US, de-DE, es-ES, fr-FR, ru-RU).


Disables the Hub Motto in the user interface.


Enables or disables email notifications.

Sets the SMTP host address.


Sets the SMTP connection port.


Sets the protocol that is used to send email notifications. Supports the following values: SMTP / SMTP+SSL / SMTP+TLS


Sets the email address that is used as the "From:" field in email notifications.


Sets the login for the account that is used for authentication by the SMTP server.


Sets the password for the account that is used for authentication by the SMTP server.

Sets the name for the Hub service license.


Sets the license key for the Hub service license.


Resets permissions to the default scheme for all of the default roles. In the Hub UI, you can reset permissions for each default role individually.

Environmental Parameters

The following parameters are used to manage how Hub runs in your server environment.




The URL that end users request to access your Hub installation. For example,

  • When the value for the secure-mode property is tls or your Hub installation is secured behind an SSL-terminating reverse proxy server, the URL should begin with https.

  • Otherwise (when running Hub using plain HTTP), the URL begins with http.

The default value is either of the following (where hostname is the name of the server where Hub is installed):

  • "http://" + hostname + ":" + listen-port + "/"

  • "http://" + hostname + "/" (in case when listen-port is equal to 80)

This value is stored as a string data type.


The connection mode that is applied to the Hub server. This property supports the following values:

  • disable — TLS is disabled. This is the default value for this property.

  • tls — TLS is enabled.


Sets the net interface address for your Hub installation. It might be changed if Hub should be configured to listen on some particular net interface.

  • Data type: string

  • Default value:


Designates the port on which Hub listens for HTTP traffic. This port might be changed from one configuration phase to another. By default, port 80 is tried to be used on Windows and 8080 on other platforms.

If port 80 is occupied by another process or is not allowed on your server, Hub will automatically start listening on port 8080 and any subsequent available port.

This value is stored as an int data type.


When true lets you use an additional port (defined by the tls-redirect-from-http-listen-port property) to accept unencrypted HTTP traffic and redirect it to a secure port defined by the property listen-port.

The default value is false.


Specifies an additional port to accept unencrypted HTTP traffic and redirect it to a secure port defined by the listen-port property. To enable this port, set the value for the tls-redirect-from-http property to true).


An (optional) absolute path to resolve relative paths defined by other command line parameters, when present. Relative paths to server certificate files that are specified in other properties are resolved against this directory. The properties that can reference relative paths are:

  • tls-server-cert-key-file

  • tls-server-cert-file

  • tls-server-cert-chain-file

  • tls-server-cert-keystore-file


The location of a keystore file in either JKS or PKCS #12 format.


Keystore integrity password


The alias of the entry in the keystore that contains the server certificate and the private key. If your keystore uses the PKCS #12 format, follow these guidelines:

  • Use the value that is stored as the friendlyName in the keystore.

  • If the private key and certificate pair was not marked with a friendlyName during generation, use this parameter to provide the sequential number of this pair in the keystore. For a keystore that only contains one certificate and private key pair, set the value to 1.


Password that protects your server's private key entry in the keystore.


The location of a private key (PKCS #1 or PKCS #8) file, stored in PEM format.


The location of a certificate file, stored in PEM format.


The (optional) location of a file that contains the certificate chain, stored in PEM format.


If you use an encrypted private key, then use this property to provide the passphrase that was used for encryption. Supported for both PKCS #1 and PKCS #8 formats.


Sets the directory where Hub stores application data.


Sets the directory where Hub stores temporary files.


Sets the directory where Hub stores application logs.


Sets the directory where Hub stores time-specific copies of the database in backup folders.

  • Data type: string

  • Default value: <hub>\backups


Stores the web address of an external Hub service, when used.


Determines whether Hub is allowed to collect and share anonymous usage statistics with JetBrains.

This property is normally set by the administrator in the web-based Configuration Wizard during installation.

  • Data type: Boolean

  • Default value: false


Launches the application without opening a browser window on startup. Use this parameter to run the Hub service on a machine without launching unneeded applications or where browser software is not installed.

Miscellaneous Parameters

Properties in this section do not have corresponding options in the user interface. System properties related to the default admin account are also non-UI, but are described in the separate section.




Sets the path to a directory that stores localized UI strings for a custom locale. For example, /user/current/translations

  • Data type: string


Enables memory caching for rendering avatars.

  • Data type: Boolean

System Parameters for the Default Admin Account




Resets the default administrator account and its permissions to the default scheme. If built-in authorization is disabled, starting Hub service with this parameter enables it.

  • Data type: Boolean


Sets the UUID of the default administrator account. This parameter is only applied when used in combination with the jetbrains.hub.admin.restore.

  • Data type: string

Sets the full name of the default administrator account. This parameter is only applied when used in combination with the jetbrains.hub.admin.restore.

  • Data type: string


Sets the username of the default administrator account. This parameter is only applied when used in combination with the jetbrains.hub.admin.restore.

  • Data type: string

Sets the email address of the default administrator account. This parameter is only applied when used in combination with the jetbrains.hub.admin.restore.

  • Data type: string


Sets the password of the default administrator account. This parameter is only applied when used in combination with the jetbrains.hub.admin.restore.

  • Data type: string

Last modified: 17 June 2024