IDE Services 2024.4 Help


IDE Services provides both a user interface (Web UI) and application programming interface (API) to execute all essential operations on the IDE Services Server.

IDE Services has both public and private REST API endpoints. Most of the endpoints are private, so if there are unforeseen breaking changes, there will be no warnings or deprecation periods. While we still provide documentation on these breaking changes in release notes, we strongly advise against using the private API.

Currently, the following endpoints are available publicly:

Automation Tokens

Most requests to the IDE Services Server require the Authorization header. It supports:

  • OAuth 2.0 tokens from the external OAuth2 service provider used in your company

  • Automation tokens created on the IDE Services Server

Add an automation token

Create an automation token

  1. In the Web UI, open the Configuration page and navigate to the Automation Tokens tab.

  2. Click Create Automation Token.

  3. In the Create Automation Token dialog, specify the token name and set its expiration date. Click Create.

    New automation token

Swagger Documentation

The Swagger pages are disabled by default on the server. Add the following lines to the server configuration file to enable Swagger:

springdoc: api-docs: enabled: true

The Swagger API documentation is available at https://<your_organization>/swagger-ui.html. It contains three pages:

  • IDE Services Public

  • IDE Services Private

  • License Vault Public

Use the dropdown in the top-right corner of the screen to switch between the Swagger API pages.

Last modified: 09 December 2024