Toolbox Enterprise Preview.11 Help

License allocation priority

Toolbox Enterprise allocates licenses in the following order:

  1. Regular product-specific licenses.

  2. Regular pack licenses.

  3. True-Up product-specific licenses

  4. True-Up pack licenses.

For example, if a user requests a license for PyCharm, Toolbox Enterprise follows these steps to find a suitable one:

  1. Check if any regular PyCharm licenses are available.

  2. Check if any regular All Products Pack licenses are available.

  3. Check if any True-Up licenses for PyCharm are available.

  4. Check if any True-Up licenses for the All Products Pack are available.

At each step, if a license is found, it’s allocated to the user. If not, Toolbox Enterprise moves on to the next step. If no license is found at step 4, Toolbox Enterprise denies the license request.

Smart license allocation

Every time a user starts a new product, Toolbox Enterprise follows the steps outlined above to provide a license. This means that users who already hold one or more product-specific licenses can, at some point, receive a pack license. Smart license allocation helps avoid inefficient license consumption in these cases.

An example of smart license allocation

Here’s an example of how it works. Let’s say your Toolbox Enterprise has licenses for PyCharm, CLion, and the All Products Pack. One of the users runs PyCharm and obtains a PyCharm license, then runs CLion and obtains a CLion license. They now hold 2 product-specific licenses.

If the same user runs IntelliJ IDEA, they'll receive an All Products Pack license, because no product-specific licenses for IntelliJ IDEA are available in your Toolbox Enterprise. Now, this user no longer needs the PyCharm and CLion licenses – both products are available with the All Products Pack. So the two product-specific licenses are automatically released.

As a result, this user now holds only 1 license instead of 3, while other team members can pick up the PyCharm and CLion licenses.

Last modified: 16 April 2024