Toolbox Enterprise Preview.11 Help

Advanced configuration

Database options

SSL certificates for Postgres Database

Add the following configuration to your application.yaml to enable SSL certificates for database access.

spring: r2dbc: ssl: true properties.sslMode: VERIFY-FULL properties.sslRootCert: "<path to PEM certificates in the container>"

Advanced logging

The Toolbox Enterprise Server uses the Logback logging framework, which is configured using SpringFramework.

You can configure logging categories in application.yaml, for example:

logging: level: org.springframework.web: debug org.hibernate: error

You can also point to a custom Logback configuration from a classpath (using the classpath: prefix) or container (using the file: prefix). For example, add the following code to your application.yaml to enable a custom Logback configuration:

logging: config: "classpath:json-logging.xml"

Other parameters

JVM options for Toolbox Enterprise Server

You can pass JVM options to the Toolbox Enterprise Server by using the JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS environment variable, for example:


IPv6 stack

Add the following parameters to the JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS environment variable to enable the IPv6 stack:

Forward proxy setups

Toolbox Enterprise can work in setups that use a forward proxy that attaches the Authorization header automatically without any additional configuration. It assumes that correct OAuth bearer token values will be provided by an external tool managing the network. By default, it will try to communicate with the server without any authentication and will fall back to it if an HTTP-response has 401 Unauthorised or 403 Forbidden status codes. This means that it is possible for only a subset of users to authenticate using a proxy where other will use explicit OAuth login.

Last modified: 16 April 2024