Toolbox Enterprise Preview.11 Help

Toolbox Enterprise Demo

For evaluation purposes, you can try the Toolbox Enterprise Demo package powered by Docker Compose.

Installation requirements

Toolbox Enterprise requires a PostgreSQL database, S3-compatible object storage, and OAuth2-compatible service provider. The demo starts these services for you.

Run Toolbox Enterprise Demo

  1. Download the archive from

    Unpack the ZIP archive to a new installation directory.

  2. Read and accept the license agreement before starting Toolbox Enterprise. You can find the agreement text in the toolbox_user_eap.pdf file in your installation directory.

    To accept the agreement, change the value of the tbe.license.accept property to eap.v1 in the application-demo.yaml file.

  3. Using the command line, navigate to the installation directory.

  4. Deploy the Docker Compose configuration:

    docker-compose up

Log in to Toolbox Enterprise Web UI

  1. Open the Toolbox Enterprise Web UI in a browser. The default URL is http://localhost:8443.

  2. Log in to the Toolbox Enterprise Web UI by clicking Log in to Toolbox Enterprise.

    Toolbox Enterprise starting page

    You will be redirected to the Mock Auth interface, a demo implementation of an OAuth2-compatible authentication provider. There, click the Toolbox Admin button to log in as an administrator.

    the Mock Auth interface

Join the demo organization

  1. After logging in to Toolbox Enterprise on the Web UI, click Join your organization.

    Join a demo organization

    You will be redirected to the Toolbox App.

  2. Click Accept to continue.

  3. On the Welcome to Toolbox Enterprise screen, click Log in.

    Log in to join the demo organization
  4. In the Mock Auth interface, click the Toolbox Admin button.

Next steps

Last modified: 16 April 2024