Create and delete Web application elements - general stepsUltimate
Last modified: 08 March 2021
This topic describes general procedures for elements in a Web module.
To add an element to a Web module
Open the Web tool window by choosing View | Tool Windows | Web. The tool window displays all the modules with Web facets.
Right-click the desired Web module node and choose New | Servlet/Filter/Listener on the context menu.
In the New Servlet/Filter/Listener dialog box that opens, type the name of the element.
Specify the package where the element will be created.
Specify the class that implements the element.
Click OK. A new class is created and opened in the editor.
Proceed as described in the relevant element-specific topic.
To remove an element from a Web application
In the Web tool window, select the element to be removed.
On the context menu, choose Delete and click Yes in the confirmation dialog box.