Not sure where to begin?Check out the most useful and popular topics to get you started with IntelliJ IDEA.AccessibilityUse a screen reader, adjust the colors and font size to assists users with sight deficiencyIntelliJ IDEA EduLearn and teach programming with a professional toolFirst stepsInterface overviewLearn about the elements and features of the user interfaceYour first Java applicationCreate, run, and package a simple Java application in IntelliJ IDEAKeyboard shortcutsSelect the right keymap and master all of the available shortcutsPluginsExtend the core functionality of IntelliJ IDEA with pluginsProjectsLearn about the project model in IntelliJ IDEAEditorGet familiar with the IntelliJ IDEA code editorSupport and assistanceGet support and other information to learn about IntelliJ IDEA featuresInterface themeChoose between light, dark, and a multitude of other looks for the UIMigrating from other toolsMigrate from EclipseSwitch from Eclipse to IntelliJ IDEAMigrate from NetBeansSwitch from NetBeans to IntelliJ IDEAIntegrated developer toolsGitManage and track all the changes made to the source codeDatabasesConnect to databases and run queries from IntelliJ IDEADockerDeploy your applications inside containersCode With MeRemotely collaborate with your colleagues: write, review, and debug code togetherLanguagesKotlinScalaGroovyFrameworksJava EnterpriseSpringJavaFXBuild automationMavenGradle