Hibernate and JPA facet pages
Last modified: 08 March 2021
File | Project Structure | Modules | <module> | Hibernate or JPA
File | Project Structure | Facets | Hibernate (<module>) or JPA (<module>)
Use this page to manage configuration and object/relational mapping files, and to download missing libraries.
Item | Description |
Descriptors | Use the controls in this section to manage configuration and O/R mapping files such as hibernate.cfg.xml for Hibernate, and persistence.xml and orm.xml for JPA.
Default JPA Provider | For JPA: When persistence.xml is created, this setting affects the <provider> element in that file. For example, <provider>org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.PersistenceProvider</provider> will be generated for EclipseLink. There will be no <provider> element if <no provider> is selected. |
Fix | If there are missing libraries, click this button to fix the problem. (The Setup Library dialog will open.) |