Create a list of Phing build files
Last modified: 02 August 2022warning
The following is only valid when the PHP plugin is installed and enabled.
A correct Phing build file is an xml file with the <project> root element. Build files are created outside the Phing Build tool window and are normally stored under your PHP project root folder. Find more about writing Phing build files in Phing Getting Started.
Accessing Phing Build tool window
Open a Phing build file in the editor or select it in the Project tool window, and then choose Add as Phing build file from the context menu of the selection.
Choose View | Tool Windows | Phing Build from the main menu. The tool window can be accessed after you have opened it through the context menu of a Phing build file in the editor or in the Project tool window.
Managing lists of build files
To configure a list of build files, perform these general steps
Open the Phing Build tool window.
To add a build file to the list, click the Add button
on the toolbar and choose the required xml build file in the Select Phing Build File dialog, that opens.
To remove a build file from the list, select the file and click the Remove button
on the toolbar.
To navigate to the source code of a build file, select the desired file and choose Jump to Source from the context menu of the selection.
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