IntelliJ IDEA 2021.3 Help

Code Style Kotlin

Use this page to configure formatting options for Kotlin files. When you change these settings, the Preview pane shows how this will affect your code.



Use tab character

  • If this checkbox is selected, tab characters are used:

    • On pressing the Tab key

    • For indentation

    • For code reformatting

  • When the checkbox is cleared, IntelliJ IDEA uses spaces instead of tabs.

Smart tabs

  • If this checkbox is selected, the part of indentation defined by the nesting of code blocks, is made of the tabs and (if necessary) spaces, while the part of indentation defined by the alignment is made only of spaces.

  • If this checkbox is cleared, only tabs are used. This means that a group of spaces that fits the specified tab size is automatically replaced with a tab, which may result in breaking fine alignment.

The Smart tabs checkbox is available if the Use tab character checkbox is selected.

Tab size

In this field, specify the number of spaces included in a tab.


In this field, specify the number of spaces to be inserted for each indent level.

Continuation indent

In this field, specify the number of spaces to be inserted between the elements of an array, in expressions, method declarations and method calls.

Keep indents on empty lines

If this checkbox is selected, IntelliJ IDEA will keep indents on the empty lines as if they contained some code.

If this checkbox is cleared, IntelliJ IDEA will delete the tab characters and spaces.


Use this tab to specify where you want spaces in your code. To have IntelliJ IDEA automatically insert a space at a location, select the checkbox next to this location in the list. The results are displayed in the preview pane.

Wrapping and braces

In this tab, customize the code style options, which IntelliJ IDEA will apply on reformatting the source code. The left-hand pane contains the list of exceptions (Keep when reformatting), and placement and alignment options for the various code constructs (lists, statements, operations, annotations, and so on) The right-hand pane shows the preview.

Alignment takes precedence over indentation options.

Hard wrap at

Use the Hard wrap at field to specify a margin space required on the right side of an element. If you select the Default option, then a value of the right margin from the global settings is used.

Wrap on typing

Use the Wrap on typing settings to specify how the edited text is fitted in the specified Hard wrap at:

  • Default: in this case IntelliJ IDEA uses the Wrap on typing option that is specified in the global settings.

  • Yes: in this case IntelliJ IDEA uses the value specified in the Right Margin field.

  • No: in this case this option is switched off and a line can exceed the value specified in the right margin.

Visual guides

Use the Visual guides field to specify multiple right margins. You can leave a default value or enter the number of spaces for your margin. If you want to specify several margins, enter numbers separated by comma.

Keep when reformatting

Use the checkboxes to configure exceptions that IntelliJ IDEA will make when reformatting the source code. For example, by default, the Line breaks checkbox is selected. If your code contains lines that are shorter than a standard convention, you can convert them by disabling the Line breaks checkbox before you reformat the source code.

Wrapping options

The wrapping style applies to the various code constructs, specified in the left-hand pane (for example, method call arguments, method declaration parameters, or assignment statements).



Wrapping style

From this list, select the desired wrapping style:

  • Do not wrap: when this option is selected, no special wrapping style is applied.

    With this option selected, the nested alignment and braces settings are ignored.

  • Wrap if long: select this option to have lines going beyond the right margin wrapped with proper indentation.

  • Wrap always: select this option to have all elements in lists wrapped, so that there is one element per line with proper indentation.

  • Chop down if long: select this option to have elements in lists that go beyond the right margin wrapped, so that there is one element per line with proper indentation.

Alignment options



Align when multiline

If this checkbox is selected, a code construct starts at the same column on each next line. Otherwise, the position of a code construct is determined by the current indentation level.

<character(s)> on next line

Select this checkbox to have the specified character or characters moved to the next line when the lines are wrapped.

'else' on new line

Use this checkbox to have the corresponding statements or characters moved to the next line.

New line after <character>

Select this checkbox to have the code after the specified character moved to a new line.

Special else if treatment

If this checkbox is selected, else if statements are located in the same line.

Otherwise, else if statements are moved to the next line to the corresponding indent level.

Indent case branches

If this checkbox is selected, the case statement is located at the corresponding indent level. Otherwise, case statement is placed at the same indent level with switch.

Braces placement options



Braces placement style

Use this list to specify the position of the opening brace in class declarations, method declarations, and other types of declarations. The available options are:

  • End of line: select this option to have the opening brace placed at the declaration line end.

  • Next line if wrapped: select this option to have the opening brace placed at the beginning of the line after the multiline declaration line.

  • Next line: select this option to have the opening brace placed at the beginning of the line after the declaration line.

  • Next line shifted: select this option to have the opening brace placed at the line after the declaration line being shifted to the corresponding indent level.

  • Next line, each shifted: select this option to have the opening brace placed at the line after the declaration line being shifted to the corresponding indent level, and have the next line shifted to the next indent level as well.

Force braces

From this list, choose the braces introduction method for if, for, while, and do () while statements. The available options are:

  • Do not force: select this option to suppress introducing braces automatically.

  • When multiline: select this option to have braces introduced automatically if a statement occupies more than one line. Note that IntelliJ IDEA analyzes the number of lines in the entire statement but not only its condition.

    IntelliJ IDEA will insert braces automatically:

  • Always: select this checkbox to have braces always introduced automatically.




Top-level Symbols

Use this area to define how the top-level symbols are imported. The possible options are:

  • Use single name import: if this option is selected, only a particular declaration from a package during code generation or import optimization is imported.

  • Use import with '*': if this option is selected, a statement importing an entire package is inserted.

  • Use import with '*' if at least <n> names used: if this option is selected, specify the number of declarations to be imported from a single package, until all the statements importing a single declaration are substituted with a statement importing an entire package.

Java Statics and Enum Members

Use this area to define how Java statics and enums are imported.


Use this area to define how the other symbols are imported.

Insert imports for nested classes:

  • If this checkbox is selected, IntelliJ IDEA creates imports for the nested classes referenced in your code.

  • If this option is not selected, IntelliJ IDEA generates import for the top-level class and qualifies the name of the nested class with the name of its top-level class.

Packages to Use Import with '*'

Use the table as follows:

  • Package: In the text fields of this column, specify the packages to be imported.

  • With Subpackages: Select this checkbox to have IntelliJ IDEA import all the subpackages of the selected package.

Set from...

Click this link to reveal the list of languages to be used as the base for the current language code style. Only the settings that are applicable to the current language are taken. All the other settings are not affected.

This link appears in the upper-right corner of the language-specific code style page, when applicable.

Click Reset to discard changes and return to the initial set of code style settings.

Last modified: 01 August 2022