Implement methods of an interface or abstract class
Last modified: 01 August 2022If a class is declared as implementing a certain interface or extending a class with abstract methods, it has to implement the methods of such interface or class. IntelliJ IDEA creates stubs for implemented methods , with the default return values for the primitive types, and null values for the objects.
Implement required methods
From the main menu, select Code | Implement methods or press Ctrl+I. You can also right-click anywhere in the class file, then click Generate Alt+Insert, and select Implement methods.
In the dialog that opens, select the methods to implement. If necessary, select the Copy JavaDoc checkbox to insert JavaDoc comments for the implemented methods .
Click OK.
Change method body
The code template used for implementing methods (Implemented method body) accepts predefined template variables from the File Header include template (such as ${USER}
, ${DATE}
, and so on)
For example, consider the following file template:
#if ( $RETURN_TYPE != "void" )return $DEFAULT_RETURN_VALUE;#end
// TODO ($USER, $DATE):To change the body of an implemented method, use File | Settings - Editor - File and Code Templates.
Provided that the implemented interface contains two methods, this template expands into the following code:
public void hunt() {
// TODO (wombat, 9/21/12): To change the body of an implemented method, use File | Settings - Editor - File and Code Templates.
public String sniff() {
return null; // TODO (wombat, 9/21/12): To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings - Editor - File and Code Templates.
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