IntelliJ IDEA 2021.3 Help

Make Static dialogs

Refactor | Make Static

Use this refactoring to convert an inner class or an instance method into a static one.

Make Class Static dialog



Replace instance qualifiers with class references

Specify whether you want to replace instance qualifiers with class references or not.

Make Method Static dialog



Add object as a parameter with name

Select this checkbox, if you want to pass the whole referenced object as a parameter to the method, then specify the name for the parameter in the field below.

Add parameters for fields

Select this checkbox to pass the referenced fields/variables as parameters to the method, then select the appropriate fields in the list.

Move Up/Move Down

Use this buttons to reorder parameters in the list.

Replace instance qualifiers with class references

Specify whether you want to replace instance qualifiers with class references or not. This checkbox is available, if the method does not contain any references to fields or instance variables.

Last modified: 01 August 2022