Define the servlet element
Last modified: 10 August 2022Introduction
The Servlet element defines the name of the servlet and specifies the compiled class that implements it. Alternatively, instead of specifying a servlet class, you can specify a JSP.
The Servlet element also contains definitions of initialization attributes.
IntelliJ IDEA provides the facilities to configure, remove, and edit Servlet elements using the IntelliJ IDEA editor.
Note that you can map URL pattern that associates the servlet with the set of URLs that call the servlet using annotations in the editor.
General steps
Defining the Servlet element includes:
Specifying the servlet name and the name of the package where the servlet will be created.
Customizing the initialization process by specifying the initialization attributes of the servlet.
Defining a servlet
To define a servlet
Configure a new servlet.
Click OK in the New Servlet dialog. The new servlet is added to the list in the Servlets Configured pane.
Specify the servlet initialization parameters.
Removing a servlet
To remove a servlet
Select the servlet in the Servlets Configured pane and click
or select Remove in the context menu.
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