IntelliJ IDEA 2022.1 Help

Groovy compiler

Use this page to configure the Groovy compiler-specific settings.



Path to configscript

Use this field to specify a path to the configuration script parameter to use in Groovy compilation. This field matches the --configscript Groovy command. For more information, refer to Groovy documentation.

Type the path in the field, or click the Browse button and select the required file in the dialog that opens

Invoke dynamic support

Select this checkbox to activate compilation process that supports invokedynamic bytecode instruction.

Exclude from stub generation

Use this section to make up a list of files and directories, for which the stub generation step should be omitted. Use App general add Alt+Insert to add files and directories to the list, and App general remove  Alt+Delete to delete the selected items.

Last modified: 10 August 2022