IntelliJ IDEA 2022.1 Help

New Listener dialog

File | New | Listener

Specify the settings for the new listener.




The listener name. Used only to generate the default listener class name.


The name of the package in which the new listener class should be created.

Click the Browse button. Then select an existing package or click App actions new folder to create a new package.


The fully qualified name of the listener class.

The default class name is generated using the package name, the class name prefix, the listener name, and the class name suffix.

The class name prefix and suffix are set in the Settings dialog. (The Listener Class Prefix and Suffix fields on the Java EE Names tab of the Editor | Code Style | Java page.)

If you want to specify an existing class, click the Browse button and select the class in the dialog that opens.

Create Java EE 6 annotated class

If the checkbox is not selected, a <listener-class> element for the listener class is added to web.xml.

If the checkbox is selected, the new listener class will be @WebListener-annotated and no changes will be made to web.xml.

If there is no web.xml in your project, the checkbox is selected by default, and you cannot deselect it.

Last modified: 10 August 2022