In this tab, configure the Android Application Package to be generated.
Select one of the following options from the list:
Debug signed with default certificate: select this option to sign the extracted application packaged in the debug mode using the debug keystore or a key that is generated by the Android SDK tools. The following predefined values are used:
Keystore name: debug.keystore
Keystore password: android
Key alias: androiddebugkey
CN (common name): CN=Android Debug,O=Android,C=US
Debug signed with custom certificate: Select this option to sign the extracted application packaged in the debug mode using a debug keystore or a key that you specify yourself. You can generate a new certificate, or reuse an existing one. Reusing a certificate may be useful, for example, if you have several applications and you want them all signed with the same certificate to be able to store them in the same folder on an Android device.
When this option is selected, the Key store, Key store password, Key alias, and Key password fields become available.
Release unsigned: select this option if you want to run a package on an emulator for test purposes, and want to have it extracted without a release signature.
Release signed: select this option to extract and sign your application so that it can be published an run on physical devices.
When this option is selected, the Key store, Key store password, Key alias, and Key password fields become available.
Note that the debug mode signature is only sufficient for testing and debugging Android applications, and does not allow publishing them.
Key store path
In this text box, specify the location of the file where the key will be stored. Type the path manually or click the Choose existing button to choose the relevant file in the dialog that opens.
Create new
Click this button to open the New Keystore dialog and configure a new key store and/or a release key to be generated.
Choose existing
Click this button to have your package signed with a key from an existing key store file. Choose the relevant key store file in the dialog that opens.
Later you can choose to use an existing key from this key store, or to have a new key generated in it.
Key store password
In this text box, type the password for the selected key store.
Key alias
In this text box, specify the alias to address the key to be used.
Key password
In this field, specify the password to access the selected key.
Run ProGuard
Select this option if you want IntelliJ IDEA to obfuscate the debug APK through integration with the built-in ProGuard tool.
Config file paths
This field shows the default location of the proguard-project.txt configuration file that is created automatically together with an Android module.
Show content of elements
Select this option if you want the contents of certain elements to be displayed in the layout tree. Click the button to specify the elements whose contents you want to be shown: