List of Java inspections
Last modified: 29 November 2022Arquillian
Inspection name | Default state | Default severity |
Arquillian test class should be properly prepared | Enabled |
Arquillian test class should have method with | Enabled |
Arquillian test class should have only one method with | Enabled |
Wrong return type of | Enabled |
Wrong signature of | Enabled |
Abstraction issues
Inspection name | Default state | Default severity |
Cast to a concrete class | Disabled |
Chain of | Disabled |
Class references one of its subclasses | Disabled |
Feature envy | Disabled |
| Disabled |
| Disabled |
Interface method clashes with method in | Enabled |
Local variable of concrete class | Disabled |
Magic number | Disabled |
Method parameter to concrete class | Disabled |
Method return of concrete class | Disabled |
| Enabled |
Overly strong type cast | Disabled |
Private method only used from inner class | Disabled |
| Disabled |
| Disabled |
Static field of concrete class | Disabled |
Static member used only from one other class | Disabled |
Type may be weakened | Disabled |
Type of instance field is concrete class | Disabled |
Assignment issues
Inspection name | Default state | Default severity |
Assignment replaceable with operator assignment | Disabled |
Assignment to | Disabled |
Assignment to catch block parameter | Disabled |
Assignment to lambda parameter | Disabled |
Assignment to method parameter | Disabled |
Assignment to static field from instance context | Disabled |
Assignment used as condition | Disabled |
Constructor assigns value to field defined in superclass | Disabled |
| Disabled |
Results of assignment used | Disabled |
Value of ++ or -- used | Disabled |
Bitwise operation issues
Inspection name | Default state | Default severity |
Incompatible bitwise mask operation | Enabled |
Pointless bitwise expression | Enabled |
Shift operation by inappropriate constant | Enabled |
Class metrics
Inspection name | Default state | Default severity |
Anonymous inner class with too many methods | Disabled |
Class too deep in inheritance tree | Disabled |
Class with too many constructors | Disabled |
Class with too many fields | Disabled |
Class with too many methods | Disabled |
Inner class too deeply nested | Disabled |
Overly complex anonymous class | Disabled |
Overly complex class | Disabled |
Overly coupled class | Disabled |
Class structure
Inspection name | Default state | Default severity |
Abstract class may be interface | Enabled |
Anonymous inner class | Disabled |
Class may extend adapter instead of implementing listener | Disabled |
Class name differs from file name | Disabled |
Class with only | Disabled |
Constant declared in abstract class | Disabled |
Constant declared in interface | Disabled |
Empty class | Disabled |
Field can be local | Enabled |
| Disabled |
| Disabled |
| Disabled |
Inner class of interface | Disabled |
Interface may be annotated | Disabled |
Limited-scope inner class | Disabled |
Marker interface | Disabled |
Method returns per-class constant *** | Disabled |
Multiple top level classes in single file | Disabled |
Non-op method in abstract class | Disabled |
Non- | Disabled |
Non- | Disabled |
Parameter can be local | Enabled |
| Enabled |
| Disabled |
| Disabled |
| Disabled |
Singleton | Disabled |
| Disabled |
| Enabled |
Utility class | Disabled |
Utility class can be | Disabled |
Utility class is not | Disabled |
Utility class with | Disabled |
Utility class without | Disabled |
Inspections labeled with *** are not available in the editor and can be launched via Code | Running Code Cleanup with profile ''{0}''… or Code | Analyze Code | Run Inspection By Name....
Cloning issues
Inspection name | Default state | Default severity |
| Enabled |
| Disabled |
| Disabled |
| Disabled |
| Disabled |
| Disabled |
Cloneable class without | Disabled |
Use of | Disabled |
Code maturity
Inspection name | Default state | Default severity |
Call to | Disabled |
Call to | Disabled |
Deprecated API usage | Enabled |
Deprecated method is still used | Enabled |
Inspection suppression annotation | Disabled |
| Enabled |
Usage of API marked for removal | Enabled |
Use of obsolete collection type | Disabled |
Use of obsolete date-time API | Disabled |
Use of System.out or System.err | Disabled |
Code style issues
Inspection name | Default state | Default severity |
Array can be replaced with enum values | Enabled |
Array creation without | Enabled |
| Disabled |
Assignment can be joined with declaration | Enabled |
Block marker comment | Disabled |
C-style array declaration | Enabled |
Call to | Disabled |
Can use bounded wildcard | Disabled |
Chained equality comparisons | Disabled |
Chained method calls | Disabled |
Class explicitly extends | Enabled |
Code block contains single statement | Enabled |
Conditional can be replaced with Optional | Enabled |
Confusing octal escape sequence | Disabled |
Constant expression can be evaluated | Enabled |
Constant on the wrong side of comparison | Disabled |
Control flow statement without braces | Enabled |
Diamond can be replaced with explicit type arguments | Enabled |
| Disabled |
| Disabled |
Field assignment can be moved to initializer | Enabled |
Field can be | Disabled |
If statement can be replaced with ?:, && or || expression | Enabled |
Implicit call to | Disabled |
Instance field access not qualified with | Disabled |
Instance field access not qualified with | Disabled |
Labeled switch rule can have code block | Enabled |
Labeled switch rule has redundant code block | Enabled |
Lambda body can be code block | Enabled |
Lambda can be replaced with anonymous class | Enabled |
Lambda parameter type can be specified | Enabled |
| Disabled |
Local variable or parameter can be final | Disabled |
Method reference can be replaced with lambda | Enabled |
Missorted modifiers | Disabled |
Multi-catch can be split into separate catch blocks | Enabled |
Multiple variables in one declaration | Enabled |
Nested method call | Disabled |
Null value for Optional type | Enabled |
Objects.equals() can be replaced with equals() | Enabled |
Optional can be replaced with sequence of if statements | Enabled |
| Disabled |
Optional.isPresent() can be replaced with functional-style expression | Enabled |
Raw type can be generic | Enabled |
Redundant | Disabled |
Redundant field initialization | Disabled |
Redundant interface declaration | Disabled |
Redundant no-arg constructor | Disabled |
| Enabled |
Return of | Disabled |
Simplifiable annotation | Disabled |
Single-element annotation | Enabled |
| Disabled |
Standard Charset object can be used | Enabled |
Stream API call chain can be replaced with loop | Enabled |
Subsequent steps can be fused into Stream API chain | Enabled |
| Enabled |
Type parameter explicitly extends | Enabled |
Unclear expression | Enabled |
Unnecessarily qualified inner class access | Enabled |
Unnecessarily qualified static access | Disabled |
Unnecessarily qualified statically imported element | Disabled |
Unnecessary | Disabled |
Unnecessary | Disabled |
Unnecessary | Disabled |
Unnecessary | Disabled |
Unnecessary call to | Disabled |
Unnecessary call to | Disabled |
Unnecessary code block | Enabled |
Unnecessary conversion to String | Enabled |
Unnecessary enum modifier | Enabled |
Unnecessary fully qualified name | Enabled |
Unnecessary interface modifier | Enabled |
Unnecessary parentheses | Enabled |
Unnecessary qualifier for | Disabled |
Unnecessary semicolon | Enabled |
Unqualified inner class access | Disabled |
Unqualified static access | Disabled |
Compiler issues
Inspection name | Default state | Default severity |
Javac quirks | Enabled |
Unchecked warning | Enabled |
Concurrency annotation issues
Inspection name | Default state | Default severity |
Instance member guarded by static field | Disabled |
Non-final @GuardedBy field | Disabled |
Non-final field in @Immutable class | Disabled |
Static member guarded by instance filed or this | Disabled |
Unguarded field access | Disabled |
Unknown @GuardedBy field | Disabled |
Control flow issues
Inspection name | Default state | Default severity |
Assertion can be replaced with if statement | Enabled |
Boolean expression could be replaced with conditional expression | Disabled |
| Disabled |
| Disabled |
Conditional break inside infinite loop | Enabled |
Conditional can be pushed inside branch expression | Enabled |
Conditional expression (?:) | Enabled |
Conditional expression with identical branches | Disabled |
Conditional expression with negated condition | Disabled |
Constant conditional expression | Enabled |
| Disabled |
| Disabled |
| Disabled |
Double negation | Enabled |
Duplicate condition in | Enabled |
Duplicate condition on | Disabled |
Enum | Enabled |
Fallthrough in | Disabled |
| Enabled |
| Disabled |
Idempotent loop body | Enabled |
| Disabled |
| Enabled |
| Disabled |
| Disabled |
Infinite loop statement | Enabled |
Labeled statement | Disabled |
Local variable used and declared in different | Disabled |
Loop statement that does not loop | Enabled |
Loop variable not updated inside loop | Enabled |
Loop with implicit termination condition | Disabled |
Negated conditional expression | Disabled |
Negated equality expression | Disabled |
Nested | Disabled |
Nested conditional expression | Disabled |
Overly complex boolean expression | Disabled |
Pointless | Disabled |
Pointless boolean expression | Enabled |
Redundant | Enabled |
Redundant | Enabled |
Redundant conditional expression | Enabled |
Simplifiable boolean expression | Enabled |
Simplifiable conditional expression | Enabled |
Statement can be replaced with | Enabled |
| Disabled |
| Enabled |
| Disabled |
| Disabled |
| Enabled |
Unnecessary | Enabled |
Data flow
Inspection name | Default state | Default severity |
Boolean method is always inverted | Enabled |
Boolean variable is always inverted | Disabled |
Method call violates Law of Demeter | Disabled |
Negatively named boolean variable | Disabled |
Redundant local variable | Enabled |
Reuse of local variable | Disabled |
Scope of variable is too broad | Enabled |
Use of variable whose value is known to be constant | Disabled |
Declaration redundancy
Inspection name | Default state | Default severity |
Access static member via instance reference | Enabled |
Actual method parameter is the same constant | Enabled |
Collector can be simplified | Enabled |
Declaration access can be weaker | Disabled |
Declaration can have final modifier *** | Enabled |
Default annotation parameter value | Enabled |
Duplicate throws | Enabled |
Empty method *** | Enabled |
Functional expression can be folded | Enabled |
Method can be void | Enabled |
Method returns the same value *** | Enabled |
Null-check method is called with obviously non-null argument | Enabled |
Optional call chain can be simplified | Enabled |
Redundant | Enabled |
Redundant | Enabled |
Redundant | Enabled |
Redundant lambda parameter types | Enabled |
Redundant operation on empty container | Enabled |
Redundant step in Stream or Optional call chain | Enabled |
Stream API call chain can be simplified | Enabled |
Trivial usage of functional expression | Enabled |
Unnecessary module dependency | Enabled |
Unused declaration | Enabled |
Unused label | Enabled |
Variable is assigned to itself | Enabled |
Wrapper type may be primitive | Enabled |
Inspections labeled with *** are not available in the editor and can be launched via Code | Running Code Cleanup with profile ''{0}''… or Code | Analyze Code | Run Inspection By Name....
Dependency issues
Inspection name | Default state | Default severity |
Class with too many dependencies *** | Disabled |
Class with too many dependents *** | Disabled |
Class with too many transitive dependencies *** | Disabled |
Class with too many transitive dependents *** | Disabled |
Cyclic class dependency *** | Disabled |
Cyclic package dependency *** | Disabled |
Illegal package dependencies | Enabled |
Suspicious package-private access | Disabled |
Inspections labeled with *** are not available in the editor and can be launched via Code | Running Code Cleanup with profile ''{0}''… or Code | Analyze Code | Run Inspection By Name....
Inspection name | Default state | Default severity |
Accessing a non-public field of another object | Disabled |
Assignment or return of field with mutable type | Disabled |
Package-visible field | Disabled |
Package-visible nested class | Disabled |
Protected field | Disabled |
Protected nested class | Disabled |
| Enabled |
| Disabled |
Error handling
Inspection name | Default state | Default severity |
Catch block may ignore exception | Enabled |
Caught exception is immediately rethrown | Enabled |
Checked exception class | Disabled |
Class directly extends | Disabled |
| Enabled |
Empty | Enabled |
Empty | Enabled |
Exception constructor called without arguments | Disabled |
| Enabled |
| Disabled |
| Disabled |
| Disabled |
Nested | Disabled |
Non-final field of exception class | Disabled |
| Disabled |
Overly broad | Disabled |
Overly broad | Disabled |
Prohibited exception caught | Disabled |
Prohibited exception declared | Disabled |
Prohibited exception thrown | Disabled |
| Enabled |
| Disabled |
| Disabled |
| Enabled |
Unchecked exception class | Disabled |
Unchecked exception declared in | Disabled |
Unnecessary call to | Enabled |
Inspection name | Default state | Default severity |
| Enabled |
| Disabled |
| Disabled |
Inspection name | Default state | Default severity |
Test-only class or method call in production code | Disabled |
Inspection name | Default state | Default severity |
| Disabled |
Import from same package | Disabled |
| Disabled |
Single class import | Disabled |
Static import | Disabled |
Unused import | Enabled |
Inheritance issues
Inspection name | Default state | Default severity |
Abstract class extends concrete class | Disabled |
Abstract class which has no concrete subclass | Disabled |
Abstract class without abstract methods | Disabled |
Abstract method overrides abstract method | Disabled |
Abstract method overrides concrete method | Disabled |
Abstract method with missing implementations | Disabled |
Class explicitly extends a Collection class | Disabled |
Class extends annotation interface | Enabled |
Class extends utility class | Disabled |
Class may extend a commonly used base class | Enabled |
Final declaration can't be overridden at runtime | Enabled |
Interface which has no concrete subclass | Disabled |
Method does not call super method | Enabled |
Method is identical to its super method | Disabled |
Missing @Override annotation | Enabled |
Non-varargs method overrides varargs method | Disabled |
Parameter type prevents overriding | Disabled |
| Disabled |
Static inheritance | Disabled |
Type parameter extends final class | Disabled |
Inspection name | Default state | Default severity |
Abstract method called during object construction | Disabled |
Double brace initialization | Enabled |
Instance field may not be initialized | Disabled |
Instance field used before initialization | Disabled |
Non-final static field is used during class initialization | Disabled |
Overridable method called during object construction | Disabled |
Overridden method called during object construction | Disabled |
Static field may not be initialized | Disabled |
Static field used before initialization | Disabled |
| Disabled |
Unsafe lazy initialization of | Disabled |
Inspection name | Default state | Default severity |
Absolute alignment used in AWT/Swing code | Disabled |
Call to | Disabled |
Call to | Disabled |
Call to | Disabled |
Call to Numeric | Disabled |
Call to suspicious String method | Disabled |
Character comparison | Disabled |
Duplicate string literal | Disabled |
Hard coded strings | Disabled |
Implicit usage of platformcodes default charset | Disabled |
Incorrect string capitalization | Enabled |
Instantiating a SimpleDateFormat without a Locale | Disabled |
Magic character | Disabled |
String concatenation | Disabled |
Unnecessary unicode escape sequence | Disabled |
Use of StringTokenizer | Disabled |
J2ME issues
Inspection name | Default state | Default severity |
Abstract class which has only one direct inheritor | Disabled |
Array.length in loop condition | Disabled |
Connection opened but not safely closed | Disabled |
Interface which has only one direct inheritor | Disabled |
Large array allocation with no OutOfMemoryError check | Disabled |
Method call in loop condition | Disabled |
Multiply or divide by power of two | Disabled |
Overly large initializer for array of primitive type | Disabled |
RecordStore opened but not safely closed | Disabled |
Single character | Disabled |
Synthetic accessor call | Disabled |
Java language level
Inspection name | Default state | Default severity |
Annotation | Disabled |
Annotation class | Disabled |
| Disabled |
Auto-boxing | Disabled |
Auto-unboxing | Disabled |
Enumerated class | Disabled |
Extended | Disabled |
Use of | Disabled |
Use of | Disabled |
Varargs method | Enabled |
Java language level migration aids
Inspection name | Default state | Default severity |
| Enabled |
Enumeration can be iteration | Disabled |
| Enabled |
Usages of API which isn't available at the configured language level | Enabled |
| Disabled |
Collections.EMPTY_* field access replaceable with | Disabled |
| Enabled |
| Enabled |
Method can be varargs method | Enabled |
Raw use of parameterized class | Enabled |
| Enabled |
Unnecessary boxing | Enabled |
Unnecessary unboxing | Enabled |
| Enabled |
| Enabled |
Explicit type can be replaced with <> | Enabled |
Identical | Enabled |
Possible heap pollution from parameterized vararg type | Enabled |
| Enabled |
Anonymous type can be replaced with lambda | Enabled |
Anonymous type can be replaced with method reference | Enabled |
Anonymous type has shorter lambda alternative | Enabled |
Collections.sort() can be replaced with List.sort() | Enabled |
Comparator combinator can be used | Enabled |
Expression can be folded into Stream chain | Enabled |
forEach call can be simplified | Enabled |
Guava's functional primitives can be replaced by Java | Enabled |
Lambda can be replaced with method call | Enabled |
Lambda can be replaced with method reference | Enabled |
Loop can be collapsed with Stream API | Enabled |
Loop can be replaced with Collection.removeIf() | Enabled |
Map.forEach can be used | Enabled |
Pseudo functional expression using static class | Enabled |
Single Map method can be used | Enabled |
Statement lambda can be replaced with expression lambda | Enabled |
JavaBeans issues
Inspection name | Default state | Default severity |
Class without constructor | Disabled |
Class without no-arg constructor | Disabled |
Field has setter but no getter | Disabled |
Property value set to itself | Disabled |
Suspicious getter/setter | Disabled |
Inspection name | Default state | Default severity |
<code>...</code> can be replaced with {@code ...} | Disabled |
Dangling Javadoc comment | Enabled |
Declaration has Javadoc problems | Enabled |
Declaration has problems in Javadoc references | Enabled |
HTML problems in Javadoc (DocLint) | Disabled |
Missing | Disabled |
Missing @Deprecated annotation | Disabled |
| Disabled |
| Disabled |
Unnecessary Javadoc link | Disabled |
Unnecessary {@inheritDoc} Javadoc comment | Disabled |
Inspection name | Default state | Default severity |
| Enabled |
| Disabled |
| Disabled |
Assertion expression can be replaced with | Disabled |
Constant JUnit assert argument | Disabled |
Expected exception never thrown in test method body | Disabled |
Highlight problem line in test | Enabled |
JUnit test annotated with | Disabled |
JUnit test method in product source | Disabled |
JUnit test method without any assertions | Disabled |
JUnit TestCase in product source | Disabled |
JUnit TestCase with non-trivial constructors | Disabled |
JUnit 4 test can be JUnit 5 | Disabled |
JUnit 4 test method in class extending JUnit 3 TestCase | Enabled |
JUnit 5 malformed @Nested class | Enabled |
JUnit 5 malformed parameterized test | Enabled |
JUnit 5 malformed repeated test | Enabled |
Malformed | Disabled |
Malformed @Before or @After method | Enabled |
Malformed @BeforeClass/@BeforeAll or @AfterClass/@AfterAll method | Enabled |
Malformed @DataPoint field | Disabled |
Malformed @Rule/@ClassRule field | Disabled |
Malformed test method | Enabled |
Message missing on JUnit assertion | Disabled |
Misordered | Disabled |
Multiple exceptions declared on test method | Disabled |
Obsolete assertions in JUnit 5 tests | Disabled |
Old style JUnit test method in JUnit 4 class | Disabled |
@RunWith(JUnitPlatform.class) without test methods | Enabled |
@RunWith(Parameterized.class) without data provider | Disabled |
Simplifiable JUnit assertion | Enabled |
| Enabled |
| Disabled |
Test class with no tests | Disabled |
Unconstructable JUnit TestCase | Enabled |
Usage of obsolete | Disabled |
Inspection name | Default state | Default severity |
Class with multiple loggers | Disabled |
Class without logger | Disabled |
Log condition does not match logging call | Disabled |
Logger initialized with foreign class | Disabled |
Logging call not guarded by log condition | Disabled |
Non-constant logger | Disabled |
Non-constant string concatenation as argument to logging call | Disabled |
Number of placeholders does not match number of arguments in logging call | Enabled |
| Disabled |
Inspection name | Default state | Default severity |
Anonymous class may be a named | Disabled |
Calls to | Disabled |
Inner class may be | Enabled |
Return of instance of anonymous, local or inner class | Disabled |
Static collection | Disabled |
StringBuilder field | Disabled |
Unnecessary zero length array usage | Enabled |
Zero-length array allocation | Disabled |
Method metrics
Inspection name | Default state | Default severity |
Constructor with too many parameters | Disabled |
Method with more than three negations | Disabled |
Method with multiple loops | Disabled |
Method with multiple return points | Disabled |
Method with too many exceptions declared | Disabled |
Method with too many parameters | Disabled |
Overly complex method | Disabled |
Overly coupled method | Disabled |
Overly long lambda expression | Disabled |
Overly long method | Disabled |
Overly nested method | Disabled |
Modularization issues
Inspection name | Default state | Default severity |
Class independent of its module *** | Disabled |
Class only used from one other module *** | Disabled |
Inconsistent language level settings *** | Disabled |
Module with too few classes *** | Disabled |
Module with too many classes *** | Disabled |
Inspections labeled with *** are not available in the editor and can be launched via Code | Running Code Cleanup with profile ''{0}''… or Code | Analyze Code | Run Inspection By Name....
Naming conventions
Inspection name | Default state | Default severity |
Boolean method name must start with question word | Disabled |
Class name prefixed with package name | Disabled |
Class name same as ancestor name | Disabled |
Class naming convention | Disabled |
Confusing | Disabled |
Exception class name does not end with | Disabled |
Field naming convention | Disabled |
Java module naming conventions | Enabled |
Lambda parameter naming convention | Disabled |
Lambda-unfriendly method overload | Disabled |
Local variable naming convention | Disabled |
Method name same as class name | Enabled |
Method name same as parent class name | Disabled |
Method names differing only by case | Disabled |
Method naming convention | Disabled |
Method parameter naming convention | Disabled |
Non-boolean method name must not start with question word | Disabled |
Non-constant field with upper-case name | Disabled |
Non-exception class name ends with | Disabled |
Overloaded methods with same number of parameters | Disabled |
Overloaded varargs method | Disabled |
Package naming convention | Disabled |
Parameter name differs from parameter in overridden method | Disabled |
Questionable name | Disabled |
Standard variable names | Disabled |
Use of | Disabled |
Numeric issues
Inspection name | Default state | Default severity |
Call to | Enabled |
| Disabled |
Comparison of | Disabled |
Comparison to Double.NaN or Float.NaN | Enabled |
Confusing floating-point literal | Disabled |
Constant call to | Disabled |
Divide by zero | Enabled |
| Disabled |
| Disabled |
Floating point equality comparison | Disabled |
Implicit numeric conversion | Disabled |
| Disabled |
Integer division in floating point context | Enabled |
Integer multiplication or shift implicitly cast to long | Disabled |
| Enabled |
Non-reproducible call to | Disabled |
Number constructor call with primitive argument | Enabled |
Numeric cast that loses precision | Disabled |
Numeric overflow | Enabled |
Octal and decimal integers in same array | Disabled |
Octal integer | Enabled |
Overly complex arithmetic expression | Disabled |
Pointless arithmetic expression | Enabled |
Suspicious test for oddness | Disabled |
Suspicious underscore in number literal | Disabled |
Unary plus | Disabled |
Unnecessary explicit numeric cast | Disabled |
Unnecessary unary minus | Disabled |
Unpredictable BigDecimal constructor call | Enabled |
Packaging issues
Inspection name | Default state | Default severity |
Class independent of its package *** | Disabled |
Class only used from one other package *** | Disabled |
Empty directory *** | Disabled |
Exception package *** | Disabled |
Package with classes in multiple modules *** | Disabled |
Package with disjoint dependency graph *** | Disabled |
Package with too few classes *** | Disabled |
Package with too many classes *** | Disabled |
Inspections labeled with *** are not available in the editor and can be launched via Code | Running Code Cleanup with profile ''{0}''… or Code | Analyze Code | Run Inspection By Name....
Inspection name | Default state | Default severity |
Boolean constructor call | Enabled |
Boxing of already boxed value | Enabled |
Bulk operation can be used instead of iteration | Enabled |
Call to | Enabled |
Call to simple getter from within class | Disabled |
Call to simple setter from within class | Disabled |
Class initializer may be | Enabled |
| Enabled |
Collection without initial capacity | Disabled |
Concatenation with empty string | Disabled |
Dynamic regular expression could be replaced by compiled Pattern | Disabled |
| Enabled |
| Disabled |
Explicit argument can be lambda | Enabled |
Field may be | Disabled |
Inefficient Stream API call chains ending with count() | Enabled |
Instantiating object to get Class object | Enabled |
Iteration over | Disabled |
| Enabled |
Loop can be terminated after condition is met | Enabled |
Manual array copy | Enabled |
Manual array to collection copy | Enabled |
Map or Set may contain | Disabled |
Map replaceable with EnumMap | Disabled |
Method may be | Disabled |
Non-constant String should be StringBuilder | Disabled |
Object allocation in loop | Disabled |
Object instantiation inside | Disabled |
Redundant | Enabled |
Redundant call to | Enabled |
Set replaceable with EnumSet | Disabled |
Single character string argument in | Disabled |
Single character string concatenation | Enabled |
| Disabled |
String concatenation as argument to | Enabled |
String concatenation in loop | Enabled |
| Disabled |
StringBuilder without initial capacity | Disabled |
Tail recursion | Enabled |
Unnecessary temporary object in conversion from String | Enabled |
Unnecessary temporary object in conversion to String | Enabled |
Using | Disabled |
Inspection name | Default state | Default severity |
Call to | Disabled |
Call to | Disabled |
Call to | Disabled |
Hardcoded file separator | Disabled |
Hardcoded line separator | Disabled |
Native method | Disabled |
Use of | Disabled |
Use of AWT peer class | Disabled |
Use of concrete JDBC driver class | Disabled |
Use of sun.* classes | Disabled |
Probable bugs
Nullability problems
Inspection name | Default state | Default severity |
@NotNull field is not initialized | Enabled |
@NotNull/@Nullable problems | Enabled |
Return of | Disabled |
Inspection name | Default state | Default severity |
Array comparison using | Disabled |
| Disabled |
| Enabled |
Call to | Enabled |
Call to String.replaceAll(".", ...) | Enabled |
Call to default | Disabled |
Cast conflicts with | Disabled |
Casting to incompatible interface | Disabled |
Class.getClass() call | Enabled |
Cleaner captures object reference | Enabled |
Collection added to self | Enabled |
Comparable implemented but | Disabled |
Confusing argument to varargs method | Enabled |
Confusing primitive array argument to varargs method | Enabled |
Constant conditions & exceptions | Enabled |
Contract issues | Enabled |
Copy constructor misses field | Enabled |
Covariant | Disabled |
Duplicated delimiters in java.util.StringTokenizer | Enabled |
Empty class initializer | Disabled |
| Disabled |
| Disabled |
| Enabled |
| Enabled |
| Enabled |
| Enabled |
| Enabled |
| Enabled |
Infinite recursion | Enabled |
Inner class referenced via subclass | Disabled |
| Disabled |
Instantiation of utility class | Disabled |
Invalid method reference used for Comparator | Enabled |
Iterable is used as vararg | Enabled |
| Disabled |
| Disabled |
Loop executes zero or billions times | Enabled |
Magic Constant | Enabled |
Malformed format string | Enabled |
Malformed regular expression | Disabled |
Malformed XPath expression | Enabled |
| Enabled |
Mismatched case in String operation | Enabled |
Mismatched query and update of StringBuilder | Enabled |
Mismatched query and update of collection | Enabled |
Mismatched read and write of array | Enabled |
New object is compared using | Enabled |
Non-final field referenced in | Disabled |
Non-final field referenced in | Disabled |
Non-final field referenced in | Disabled |
Non-short-circuit boolean expression | Disabled |
Non-short-circuit operation consumes the infinite stream | Enabled |
Number comparison using | Enabled |
Object comparison using | Enabled |
| Enabled |
Optional.get() is called without isPresent() check | Enabled |
Overwritten Map key or Set element | Enabled |
Reference checked for | Disabled |
Reflective access to a source-only annotation | Enabled |
Result of method call ignored | Enabled |
Result of object allocation ignored | Disabled |
Sorted collection with non-comparable elements | Enabled |
Statement with empty body | Enabled |
Static field referenced via subclass | Disabled |
Static method referenced via subclass | Disabled |
| Enabled |
String comparison using | Enabled |
String concatenation as argument to | Disabled |
String concatenation as argument to | Disabled |
String literal concatenation missing whitespace | Disabled |
StringBuilder constructor call with | Enabled |
Subtraction in | Disabled |
Suspicious | Enabled |
Suspicious | Enabled |
Suspicious | Enabled |
Suspicious | Enabled |
Suspicious Arrays method calls | Enabled |
Suspicious array cast | Disabled |
Suspicious collections method calls | Enabled |
Suspicious indentation after control statement without braces | Disabled |
Suspicious integer division assignment | Enabled |
Suspicious usage of compare method | Enabled |
Suspicious variable/parameter name combination | Enabled |
Text label in | Enabled |
Throwable not thrown | Enabled |
Unsafe call to | Disabled |
Unused assignment | Enabled |
Use of Properties object as a Hashtable | Disabled |
Use of index 0 in JDBC ResultSet | Disabled |
Wrong package statement | Enabled |
Properties Files
Inspection name | Default state | Default severity |
Invalid property key | Enabled |
Reflective access
Inspection name | Default state | Default severity |
MethodHandle/VarHandle type mismatch | Enabled |
Non-runtime annotation to be used by reflection | Enabled |
Reflective access across modules issues | Enabled |
Reflective access to nonexistent/not visible class member | Enabled |
Reflective invocation arguments mismatch | Enabled |
Resource management
Inspection name | Default state | Default severity |
Channel opened but not safely closed | Disabled |
Hibernate resource opened but not safely closed | Disabled |
I/O resource opened but not safely closed | Disabled |
JDBC resource opened but not safely closed | Disabled |
JNDI resource opened but not safely closed | Disabled |
Socket opened but not safely closed | Disabled |
Use of DriverManager to get JDBC connection | Disabled |
Inspection name | Default state | Default severity |
Access of system properties | Disabled |
Call to | Disabled |
Call to | Disabled |
Call to | Disabled |
Call to | Disabled |
Call to | Disabled |
ClassLoader instantiation | Disabled |
Cloneable class in secure context | Disabled |
Custom ClassLoader | Disabled |
Custom SecurityManager | Disabled |
Design for extension | Disabled |
Insecure random number generation | Disabled |
Non- | Disabled |
Non-final | Disabled |
| Disabled |
| Disabled |
Serializable class in secure context | Disabled |
Serialization issues
Inspection name | Default state | Default severity |
Comparator class not declared Serializable | Disabled |
Externalizable class with | Disabled |
Externalizable class without | Enabled |
Instance field may not be initialized by | Disabled |
Non-serializable class with | Disabled |
Non-serializable class with | Disabled |
Non-serializable field in a Serializable class | Disabled |
Non-serializable object bound to HttpSession | Disabled |
Non-serializable object passed to ObjectOutputStream | Disabled |
| Disabled |
| Disabled |
Serializable class with unconstructable ancestor | Disabled |
Serializable class without | Disabled |
Serializable class without | Disabled |
Serializable non- | Disabled |
Serializable non- | Disabled |
Serializable object implicitly stores non-Serializable object | Disabled |
| Disabled |
| Disabled |
Transient field in non-serializable class | Disabled |
Transient field is not initialized on deserialization | Disabled |
Inspection name | Default state | Default severity |
| Enabled |
Constant TestNG assert argument | Disabled |
Data provider problems | Enabled |
| Enabled |
Duplicated data provider names | Enabled |
Expected exception never thrown in test method body | Disabled |
Groups problem | Enabled |
Invalid data provider return type | Enabled |
JUnit Test can be converted to TestNG | Disabled |
Message missing on TestNG assertion | Disabled |
Misordered | Disabled |
Old TestNG annotation @Configuration is used | Disabled |
Simplifiable TestNG assertion | Enabled |
TestNG Javadoc can be converted to annotations | Disabled |
Undeclared test | Disabled |
Threading issues
Inspection name | Default state | Default severity |
Access to static field locked on instance data | Disabled |
AtomicFieldUpdater field not declared | Enabled |
AtomicFieldUpdater issues | Enabled |
| Disabled |
| Disabled |
Busy wait | Disabled |
Call to | Disabled |
Call to | Enabled |
Call to | Disabled |
Call to | Disabled |
Call to | Disabled |
Call to | Disabled |
Call to | Disabled |
Call to | Disabled |
Call to | Disabled |
Call to a native method while locked | Disabled |
Class directly extends | Disabled |
Double-checked locking | Disabled |
Empty | Disabled |
Field accessed in both synchronized and unsynchronized contexts | Disabled |
Instantiating a Thread with default | Disabled |
Lock acquired but not safely unlocked | Disabled |
Method with synchronized block could be synchronized method | Disabled |
Nested | Disabled |
Non-atomic operation on volatile field | Enabled |
Non-private field accessed in synchronized context | Disabled |
Non thread-safe static field access | Disabled |
| Disabled |
| Disabled |
| Disabled |
| Disabled |
Static initializer references subclass | Enabled |
Synchronization on | Enabled |
Synchronization on | Disabled |
Synchronization on | Disabled |
Synchronization on a Lock object | Disabled |
Synchronization on a non-final field | Enabled |
Synchronization on an object initialized with a literal | Disabled |
Synchronization on local variable or method parameter | Enabled |
| Disabled |
ThreadLocal field not declared static final | Disabled |
| Disabled |
Unconditional | Disabled |
Unsynchronized method overrides synchronized method | Disabled |
Volatile array field | Disabled |
| Disabled |
| Disabled |
| Disabled |
| Disabled |
| Disabled |
| Disabled |
| Enabled |
toString() issues
Inspection name | Default state | Default severity |
Class does not override | Disabled |
Field not used in | Disabled |
Verbose or redundant code constructs
Inspection name | Default state | Default severity |
Comparator can be simplified | Enabled |
Condition is covered by further condition | Enabled |
Duplicate branches in | Enabled |
Excessive lambda usage | Enabled |
Excessive range check | Enabled |
Explicit array filling | Enabled |
Manual min/max calculation | Enabled |
Multiple occurrences of the same expression | Enabled |
Redundant | Enabled |
Redundant | Enabled |
Redundant Collection operation | Enabled |
Redundant String operation | Enabled |
Redundant array creation | Enabled |
Redundant type arguments | Enabled |
Redundant type cast | Enabled |
| Enabled |
Too weak variable type leads to unnecessary cast | Enabled |
Unnecessary | Enabled |
Unnecessary | Enabled |
Unnecessary | Enabled |
Unnecessarily escaped character | Enabled |
Unnecessary | Enabled |
Unnecessary label on | Enabled |
Unnecessary label on | Enabled |
Inspection name | Default state | Default severity |
Access of inherited field looks like access of element in surrounding code | Disabled |
Anonymous class variable hides variable in containing method | Disabled |
Call to inherited method looks like call to local method | Disabled |
Field name hides field in superclass | Disabled |
Inner class field hides outer class field | Disabled |
Lambda parameter hides field | Disabled |
Local variable hides field | Disabled |
Method overloads method of superclass | Disabled |
Method overrides inaccessible method of superclass | Disabled |
Method tries to override static method of superclass | Disabled |
Module exports/opens package to itself | Enabled |
Non-accessible class is exposed | Enabled |
Parameter hides field | Disabled |
Type parameter hides visible type | Enabled |
Usage of service not declared in | Enabled |
Thanks for your feedback!