Last modified: 29 November 2022IntelliJ IDEA provides full support of the Laravel Blade template engine up to version 5.1. This support involves:
Highlighting of Blade syntax in template files.
Code completion for all Blade directives, both predefined and custom, as well as for braces.
directives, variable introduction is offered with autocompletion inside the code constructs.Expanding and folding sections defined through the
directive. A block of code between a@section
directive and a closing directive (for example,@stop
) can be expanded or folded.Dedicated Blade-specific code inspections, for example an inspection to check that a section opened with
directive is closed with one of the corresponding directives.Blade-aware navigation with Ctrl+B includes links to templates in
directives.Finding usages Alt+F7 can be invoked on a file name or a symbol in the code to show all the usages of a template across your codebase. Currently, this functionality is available only inside other templates, but not from views.
Customizing predefined Blade directives and defining custom directives for Blade templates.
Preparing to use Blade templates
Install the PHP and Blade plugins
This functionality relies on the PHP and Blade plugins that should be installed and enabled in your IDE.
The plugins are available only in IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate.
Press Ctrl+Alt+S to open the IDE settings and select Plugins.
Switch to the Marketplace tab and use the search field to find the PHP and Blade plugins.
Click Install and restart the IDE if prompted.
Adding, editing, and removing Blade directives
In IntelliJ IDEA, Blade directives are managed in the Directives tab of the Blade Page. The tab lists all the currently available Blade directives, for those that have parameters, the prefixes and suffixes are also shown. When you start, the list contains only predefined directives. You can edit these directives as well as create custom ones.
In the Settings/Preferences dialog (Ctrl+Alt+S), go to Languages & Frameworks | PHP. On the Blade page that opens, switch to the Directives tab. The tab shows a list of all currently available directives.
Do one of the following:
To define a new directive, click the Add directive button
and then specify the directive's name in the Name text box. If the new directives requires a prefix and a suffix, select the Has parameter checkbox and type the prefix and suffix to use in the Prefix and Suffix fields respectively. IntelliJ IDEA will automatically enclose the prefix and suffix in opening and closing brackets and quotes and add a colon separator
so the parameters will look as follows: ("<prefix>:<suffix>").To edit an existing directive, select it in the list and change the values in the text boxes below. To restore the original definition, click
To remove a directive from the list, select it and click the Remove directive button
Configuring Blade delimiters
IntelliJ IDEA recognizes Blade templates and provides error highlighting and code completion for them based on the delimiters you specify. These delimiters are managed in the Text Tags tab of the Blade Page.
The fields in the tab show the opening and closing characters for raw tags, content tags, and escaped tags.
The fields are filled in with the default values in compliance with Blade Templates 5.8. If you are using an earlier version, you can specify the relevant custom delimiters and IntelliJ IDEA will provide coding assistance according to the new rules.
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