Application Servers
Last modified: 11 January 2023Windows and Linux: File | Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Application Servers
macOS: IntelliJ IDEA | Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Application Servers
From the Run/Debug Configurations dialog: Configure when editing a run/debug configuration for an application server.
Use this page or dialog to manage configurations for the supported application servers and their settings.
The servers that are already defined in IntelliJ IDEA are shown in the pane under and
. When you select a server in this pane, the corresponding configuration settings and associated controls are shown in the area to the right. (If you are editing a run configuration for a particular server (for example, Tomcat), only the existing configurations for this particular server are shown.)
Use to create server configurations and
to remove them.
By the time you start creating a server configuration, the corresponding server must already be installed on your computer.
Note that the list of servers you can work with depends on which server integration plugins are currently enabled.
Item | Description |
| Use this icon or shortcut to create a server configuration (that is, to define a server in IntelliJ IDEA):
| Use this icon or shortcut to remove the selected application server configuration. |
Main settings and controls
Item | Description |
Name | The server configuration name. |
<Server> Home | The path to the application server installation folder. Click |
<Server> Version | The detected application server version (readonly). |
<Server> base directory (for Tomcat and TomEE) | The path to the server base directory. Click |
Register schemas (for JBoss) | To be able to validate JBoss XML configuration files (such as standalone.xml, domain.xml, and so on) when editing them in IntelliJ IDEA, you can register XML schemas (XSDs) available in the JBoss installation:
To view or edit the schema list at a later time, use the Schemas and DTDs page in the Settings dialog. |
See also, Libraries and Additional Libraries for Frameworks.
When you create a server configuration, normally, an associated application server library is created. As a rule, this library includes Servlet, JSP and EJB implementations available in the server distribution.
Use the controls under Libraries to manage the contents of the library.
Item | Description |
| Add items (classes, sources, documentation, and so on) to the library. In the dialog that opens, select the necessary files and folders. These may be individual class and java files as well as directories and archives jar and zip containing such files. IntelliJ IDEA will analyze the selected files and folders, and automatically assign their contents to the appropriate library categories (Classes, Sources, Documentation, and so on). When IntelliJ IDEA cannot guess the category (for example, when you select an empty folder), a dialog will be shown, in which you will be able to specify the category yourself. |
To be able to use external documentation available online, click this icon and specify the URL of the external documentation. | |
Exclude an item (see Exclude library items). In the dialog that opens, select the items that you want IntelliJ IDEA to ignore (folders, archives and folders within the archives), and click OK. | |
| This option allows you to:
Additional Libraries for Frameworks
For certain application server configurations (e.g. GlassFish), there is an Additional Libraries for Frameworks list with checkboxes.
Each item in this list, potentially, is a library that implements the corresponding framework. (Corresponding library files are included in the server distribution.)
When you select a checkbox in the list, the corresponding application server library is created. The dialog that opens lets you select the modules in which this library should be used. (As a result, the library is added to dependencies of the selected modules.)
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