Extract Constant Dialog
Last modified: 08 March 2021Refactor | Extract Constant
Use this dialog to configure options for the Extract Constant refactoring.
Item | Description |
Constant of type | IntelliJ IDEA automatically determines the field type. |
Name | Specify here the name for the new constant. |
Introduce to class | Select the class in which the constant will be introduced. |
Introduce as enum constant | If you've selected an enum class in the Introduce to class field, you can use this option to select, whether you want to introduce this constant as an enum constant, or as a usual field. Otherwise, this option is naturally disabled and does not affect anything. |
Visibility | Select the visibility scope for the new field. |
Replace all occurrences | Check this option to automatically replace all the occurrences of the selected expression (if the selected expression is found more than once in the class). |
Delete variable declaration | Check this option to delete variable declaration. |
Annotate field as @NonNls | Check this option to avoid changes during localization.
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