Run tasks of
The following is only valid when the Python plugin is installed and enabled.
With IntelliJ IDEA, you can run Django utility from within the IDE. Each task of this utility is executed in the console.
Note that Run task command is available for both local and remote interpreters.
It's important to note that configuration of the utility is done in the Django facet page of the Project Structure dialog.
In the Project Structure dialog (CtrlAltShift0S), click the module with Python support, and add Django facet.
Click the Django facet.
In the tasks section, specify the following:
In the field Manage script, specify the desired script.
Note that by default IntelliJ IDEA shows the script that resides under the Django project root. If you are not happy with this suggestion, you can choose any other script by clicking the browse button
In the Environment variables field, specify the environment variables to be passed to the script. By default, this field is empty.
Click the browse button
to open the Environment Variables dialog. Use the toolbar buttons to make up the list of variables.
If you want to see the system environment variables, click Show link in this dialog.
On the main menu, choose Tools | Run task.
The utility starts in its own console.
Type the name of the desired task.
In the console, one can:
Scroll through the history of executed commands using the up and down arrow keys.
Use code completion CtrlSpace:
View quick documentation Ctrl0Q:
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